Glad to have had a helping hand in this movie!
Glad to have had a helping hand in this movie!
We need to find 3 mega rich people that will lend Jalop their cars for a day. (yeah right!)
I could be wrong but wouldn't this be a great opportunity for another channel to scoop them up? Although I would have to imagine the price would be insane.
If this catches the bad abandoned areas of Detroit on fire, I would be totally ok with that.
I really wished the styling on the GTO was different. I don't see anyone drooling for a car that looks a lot like a Grand Prix.
I was in my buddies 96 Buick when a deer ran into us. Right into his door. For the next 6 months that the car lived he had to get in from the passenger side.
On a road trip 12 hours with my family to visit my grandma. Brought the dog with us and he was a bad dog. He pooped in the car and it landed right in the cupholder. We still had 6 hours left to drive and you can't get ALL the smell out in the middle of summer with minimal supplies.....
Did the guy in the video get pulled over for revving or was there a stop sign he ran?
Saabs at Carlisle. I feel like only Saab owners know. No I don't own a Saab but where else can you see thousands of DIEHARD fans for one specific brand and cars that aren't even made anymore. Saab owners have a cult following. I used to run their social media page.
I had to go blue, black and orange. I'm drooling.
I want to work there....
Do the jingle next time.
Confirmed: Miata Owners Are Crazy.
It was 28 degrees yesterday on the way home from work...
I'm not sure how much I can share unfortunately...I could probably write a book on it if it was allowed.
I see this everyday with my job involving Hellcat. Dealers lying all over the place.
The front looks like something from Star Fox 64
CP for a guy that thinks his 5 model year old Mustang is still worth upwards of 70% of it's original value.
Can they just make a street legal version of this already? Please and thanks.
Couldn't have said it any better! Ugly SOB.