Assuming you have the barest modicum of cooking skills, it is sooooooo easy to make at home. Tomatoes, onion, garlic, red pepper, and a few spices — cumin, paprika, etc -- that should be standard in anyone’s pantry, plus the eggs to finish it off.
Assuming you have the barest modicum of cooking skills, it is sooooooo easy to make at home. Tomatoes, onion, garlic, red pepper, and a few spices — cumin, paprika, etc -- that should be standard in anyone’s pantry, plus the eggs to finish it off.
I absolutely agree, and now I’ll start taking notes for a post on that. Learning how to deal with disagreements when you’re both in a bad mood might be the most important skill in a longterm relationship.
If I was in a room with a Pats fan & an Eagles fan, and I had a gun with just one bullet, and I had to decide...
No shit. Fucking costume guy in The Shining right there.
This is so dumb. Everyone knows the way to solve arguments with you partner is to eventually just agree to something because you’re tired of fighting about it then secretly let an acorn of resentment grow into a giant oak tree of hate and bile that utterly ruins any happiness you used to have. Obviously.
ok this is great advice that many of us already know. the issue comes down to how this plays out in real life. in any marriage or relationship, people work best together when they compromise but its just not that easy to do. you get in your feelings, you’re tired from the day, shit just irks you and then you’re…
If I never need someone “fluent in sarcasm” I know just the app(s) to go open!
Last year we had success with: “No gifts, please. (We didn’t bring one to your kid’s party.)“ That seemed to do the trick.
Watching Jeter fail makes me feel warm inside, which is pretty helpful right now
“Sometimes I’m rude and blunt but never disrespectful”
Yeah, I get it. I’m just giving you a hard time.
That was a very cool, dramatic moment that elicited gasps and all kinds of vocal reactions from the audience I saw this with.
You’re a fan of the Batman movies aren’t you? Do you go to the midnight showings? I think I might have read about you somewhere.
I go to event movies that can’t be replicated at home. Movies like Star Wars. Always second weekend, always first showing of the day, always some place that reserves seats.
Bring back ushers to shut people up during the movies. I don’t need to hear you react to every single scene. Especially the one idiot (grown man), who had to say “WOW!” during the silence of the Holdo Maneuver.
Food - ah yes. I remember the evil looks I got as a kid bringing my own snacks. We told the manager to shove it sideways when they argued with us. Hit them in the pocketbook and they’ll listen.
Stop with the 3+ hour epic sagas with no intermission. I don’t care how comfortable your seats are, I can’t sit in one place for that long with no break.
this is why i only go during the winter. I can fit a convenience store in my parka.
Right? $4 for a bottled water? I’d bring my own, thank you very much.
Yeah, I think this is true. If someone doesn’t seem insane within a few minutes of conversation and they have a presentable profile, I’ll ask if they want to meet. You don’t know if someone has potential until you’ve met them in person. Just set up that first date for a public place, and go for it.