I actually support a salary cap range. Say your payroll may be no lower than $100m, but no greater than $175m? Play with it any way you want, but I think a floor is more important than a ceiling.
I actually support a salary cap range. Say your payroll may be no lower than $100m, but no greater than $175m? Play with it any way you want, but I think a floor is more important than a ceiling.
I think a salary floor would be more beneficial.
I agree, because for me it’s like this:
We agreed to meet.
We didn’t discuss payment arrangement, so since there is no court order stating who pays, we’re each on our own.
If there’s second or third date, then I decide if I want to treat, because then I’m wooing her. But if she offers to pay I’ll accept. I don’t need to…
God, if only people would say “I don’t know” more often. It really is a perfectly acceptable answer.
Also, cheaper and less time consuming. If the person is not right for you, you pay for your drink and leave. For a dinner date, if the person is not right for you, you’re stuck with uncomfortable table talk and eye contact while scarfing down your food. Followed by the uncomfortable waiting and paying for the bill.
Dinner is a bad first date. Do happy hour instead. If possible, a place with darts/pool/photo hunt or anything that can get a friendly competition going.
Those were all Gungans and in the extended Blue Ray version they’re all gonna have voices and throughout the whole fight they’re gonna be saying shit like “Oopsie me have a stabby” really loudly
My wife and I have a longstanding agreement that she won’t take me to Michaels because we want to stay married.
I will never cease to be amazed by my wife’s willingness to walk every aisle of a store slowly while knowing we don’t have the budget to just grab shit if it strikes us. Sometimes that DOES happen and you can pick up some stuff at the grocery store you may otherwise pass on, but most of the time, we need $50 worth of…
Trader Joe’s. Trader Joe’s is by far the fucking worst, especially if it’s in a city. Always crowded, a bunch of dipshits picking through ingredients like they’re on Top Chef, and that fucking bell that rings every 30 seconds. I like most of their stuff there but would give up one of my children to never have to shop…
The worst store is always any store your wife drags you into. Target, Hobby Lobby, Sephora, Forever 21, doesn’t matter. She will take 17,000 goddamn years to look at every item 67 times and then leave with something she found the first 5 minutes you were there. And it’s always the case that you can’t go wander off on…
We’re all curious about what others think of us.
Coworker sent me this. Enjoy.
I’m almost 40 and my parents still constantly tell me to “be careful”.
“whats your next move”
Trump went on to say that although the U.S. would certainly get its metaphorical hair mussed, there would be no more than ten to twenty million killed...depending on the breaks.
I’m in the middle of wedding planning at the moment and I’d like to start off by saying, fuck this, fuck aaaalllll of this, holy shit kill me.
Man if I ever have a family and kids, I want family game night.
Or, better idea. Don’t lie, and simply say “I am out of the office until XXXX If you have an urgent need, please contact YYYYY, otherwise I will respond to you when I’m in back in the office.”
It’s definitely about striking the right balance. It’s okay to be bummed your team lost, but making sure they don’t turn into the worst kind of fans down the road (drunks, screamers, fighters, etc.). Kids will always take things harder because they don’t have the same frame of reference. But I’d say it’s a good…