I came here to say exactly this.
Anytime I see a manual transmission where one isn’t usually found (crossover SUV) it’s automatically a slam dunk, high mileage be damned. Nice Price all day.
2008 Mercury Grand Marquis. I wanted to buy another Toyota Avalon to replace my 2000, but last summer used car prices were bonkers and I didn’t have Toyota money; I had Mercury (or Buick) money.
Meh. Gimme a 740 Turbo wagon with a 5 speed and RWD and you’ll have my attention.
A number of acquaintances have had Volvos from similar years—one had a V60, one had an XC70, and one had a C70—and every one was an expensive nightmare to keep running. Ridiculously unreliable, which I thought was a shame since Volvos from the 60's through the 90's were such tanks. All those experiences have scared…
Ah, crap. I’m in the Chicagoland area and I wish I hadn’t seen this. (Which means NP, obs.)
Donald Trump is an ignorant racist misogynistic bloviating orange windbag who is utterly incapable of speaking a single grain of truth. He is a petulant man-child who whines insufferably and incessantly when things don’t go his way. He cannot accept fault. That he was allowed within 10 miles of the White House at all…
My dad had a C4 ZR-1 (hyphen? no hyphen? I know there’s a right way and a wrong way and I can never remember) and that thing was one bad motorscooter. He let me take to a track day event at Road America one blessed day and I remember hanging with some pretty heavy-duty cats there. A beat and ratty but well-maintained…
The R1200C always cracked me up. Single-sided swingarm for easy rear wheel removal! except no center stand.
What’s wrong with the Ataris version of “Boys of Summer”? That version slaps.
Oh my goodness, fuck Donald Trump.
Bite your tongue, sir.
Ted Cruz’s head looks like an unshaved ballsack.
Fuck Donald Trump.
This shit is getting out of hand. We’ve gone so backwards since Drumpf got into office and now that there’s a chance he’ll get back in (God help us), all these crazies are cranking up the rhetoric again. If he gets back in we are all fucked. Vote blue, people. Don’t vote for Biden (unless you are, and that’s cool);…
It’s amazing how it threaded the needle perfectly between two gas pumps. This could have been waaaaaaaay worse.
I wonder how the bro-dozer crowd are going to figure out ways to use these to assholes to everyone, like rolling coal and taking up two parking spaces. I’m sure they’ll think of something.
Chicago resident here.