The Rolls-Royce Wraith weighs 5,380 pounds, or roughly as much as a small moon.
What, a Checker Marathon?! Bite your tongue, sir!
Lots of red flags here...but fuck it; diesel manual rear-drive wagon! I'll paint it brown! NP.
There is absolutely no reason not to buy this, even if you don't need or want one. Buy it anyway. NP.
Sure. NP. Though I wonder what’s up with the “towel-over-the-steering-wheel” shot. But fuck it...for 17 hondos I’ll gamble. It looks nice, anyway.
I'd personally like to thank everyone in this thread who is singing along with the song "Volare" that is now stuck in their heads for spelling "Whoa" correctly.
Hell yeah! Brown! Rear-drive! Stick! V8! Raised-White-Letter tires! Brown!
I like these, and seeing one is an increasingly rare treat. I wouldn't mind owing one just for the goofiness aspect, but I can think of a bunch of stuff I would do for thirteen-five. Nice truck, but not nice price.
I always have a little boner for rear-drive wagons. That, plus I have always liked these. NP.
Yikes. Not with 18,000 dollars of my money.
For $1,850? I'd throw 2 g's at the guy and still call it a deal. "Here ya go, buddy. Buy y'self sumptin' nice." Easy NP.
God, that is sexy. All rational thought goes out the window when I see one of these. Therefore, NP, though I know it is folly.
Holy shit, no.
People bought these before there were Nissan Rogues and Honda CR-V’s. They were a convenient two-box with four-wheel-drive. Kinda crude, but that’s what was available back then. The fact that they were unstoppable off-road (I know from experience) was ancillary and appreciated by only a few. These days, the fact that…
I always have and always will like these. I just think 10K is a little ambitious. Besides, I wouldn't feel right beating up on one as nice as this. I'd rather have a well-sorted beater I paid less than four thousand for.
You know something? You have a point.