Well, I did call that guy a fuckwit, after all. ;)
Well, I did call that guy a fuckwit, after all. ;)
Good advice. Thanks.
Man, I am all for getting your shit out of the garage and getting it dirty. Guy who did the F40 thing in the snow? Proper. Super-rich dude who beasted on his Rolls-Royce Phantom on the lawn? I raise a crisp bubbly glass of Busch Light to you, sir. Guy who wrecked his Mustang like a fuckwit leaving Cars and Coffee?…
My first bike was a 1973 CB350—pretty similar. A lot of fun, but loud (with the glasspacks) and slow (compared to my later Magna V65). I loved it and wouldn't mind having it back again, but, as nice a shape as it was in when I bought it, I wouldn't pay 5-frigging-G's for it. CP.
t If I had that kind of scratch, I would pay that for this thing. It’s hard to pin down exactly why, because you could get what I’m fairly certain are equally (or nearly so) capable vehicles for far less. There’s something about this big ol’ brick, though. And I’ve said oft before that the presence of a manual…
Yeah. N-effin'-P.
I just sprayed beer all over my screen. (NOT the keyboard; as you can see, it still works.) Anyway, thanks for the laugh.
Steve Martin ref FTMFW!
Oh yeah, that's right.
We should call those "douchenozzles."
I wouldn’t pay this. But somebody would. NP if this is your kinda thang.
Well played. I like the cut of your jib.
I usually don’t want to spend money on other peoples’ projects, and I’m not even a Ford guy. But the presence of a manual transmission in places where one oughtn’t to find one always does jiggery-pokery things to my bibbity-bobbity bits. I don't have $14,900, and if I did I would spend it on other more necessary…
Gah, those aftermarket wheels are deplorable. Other than that, not too bad if you like this sort of thing.
I'd take this if someone gave it to me. Fork over some cash? Probably not. I'd rather spend that kind of dough on problems I made myself, not made by someone else. I'm not knocking the install, but there's too many what-ifs in this equation for me. CP.
I was gonna say this.
Oh my...this one's an easy Nice Price. Prelude-y goodness for 4 G's and less than 100 K? Get out of my way!
This, surprisingly, isn’t bad. The only thing that makes me want to projectile hurl is all the flames. Why on the fucking gauges?