I’ve always liked this, and this one surprisingly doesn’t look too shit-upon, either by the previous owner(s) or by Pep Boys, or J.C. Whitney. That said, sounds like some strange things have been afoot of late in the engine room.
I’ve always liked this, and this one surprisingly doesn’t look too shit-upon, either by the previous owner(s) or by Pep Boys, or J.C. Whitney. That said, sounds like some strange things have been afoot of late in the engine room.
I think I got syphilis just from looking at the photographs. CP.
I think “Super Cruise” is the fucking coolest name I have ever heard.
3500 US bones for AWD, turbo and a stick? In a wagon? Hell, that’s less than half what I paid in maintenance alone over the less than two years I owned my 2009 Passat 2.0T wagon, may its memory be perpetually pissed on. Hell, if I were closer I’d buy this myself.
Rock-hard tasty abs, washerboard style! Thanks for catching the reference.
Gah...can’t decide can’t decide can’t decide BRAIN ANEURYSM
Self: “Gah. Another anonymous potato-shaped SUV that’s just gonna spend most of its time in the drive-thru at Starbucks. Plus this one’s a BMW which means when it breaks, it will be a bitch to fix as well as prohibitively expensive. It would be rational to walk away.”
I meant that. Crap. Thanks.
Man, these piss me off. There was a golden age of motoring from the late 70's to the early 90's where you could purchase stuff from Japan that was reliable, sexy, rear-drive and kinda fast from the factory. All that remains of that era that hasn’t been wrapped around a tree by some ham-fisted jackanapes seems to have…
All I know is the purple ain’t doing it for me.
I don’t care that it looks like it got raped by Manny, Moe and Jack. All that shit can be removed. This one’s a NP all day.
I was 18 in 1991. I think that’s all I need to say.
He’s pretty Loyale to the true purpose of Subaru.
Man... if you buy this you must really hate yourself.
I dunno on this one... it’s a close call. It would have been a coin toss, but I like the color. So NP. That is all. Carry on.
I bought a 2009 Passat 2.0T Wagon from a reputable dealer. It had full service records and fewer than 85,000 miles on it when I bought it.
Oh my God no.
Holy fuck, no.
Yes, he’s joking/using sarcasm.