
I dunno on this one... it’s a close call. It would have been a coin toss, but I like the color. So NP. That is all. Carry on.

I bought a 2009 Passat 2.0T Wagon from a reputable dealer. It had full service records and fewer than 85,000 miles on it when I bought it.


Oh my God no.

Holy fuck, no.

Yes, he’s joking/using sarcasm.

That’s where the blower will go. Or the flux capacitor. Or the garbage disposal. Or extra cubbyhole. I could find a use for it.,

I dunno—Pantera's don't need to have the engine out every 3 years/30,000 miles for a timing belt swap that costs multiple thousands. Not that I don't like these too.

The person who did all that tacky stuff to this thing needs to have his ass removed.

Oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man...

“Enthusiast-owned” = “Had the shit beat out of it.”. Too many ghosts in the machine for me—as soon as shit starts breaking and you (well, me) take it in to get worked on, you’ll get a “Hwuh?” noise from the mechanic.

The logic on this one is hard to ignore. Plus always dug the La Machine wheels on these little guys.

Well spake.

I hear you. I had no problems with the maintenance part; it was when I started snapping off bolts trying to remove the diff (blown center seal) that I threw in the towel and started drinking.

Had a 1990 E34 525. Still my favorite bodystyle of all BMW’s. Wanted one for years. Finally got one with about this same mileage.

One might surmise. Though I found one today on eBay from South Korea for the knock-down drag-out steal of $1,070. It was equipped with such advancements as a freewheeling hub and handbrake, so almost sophisticated.

Where did you get a penny farthing? I've been looking for one for years.

Let’s hear some more V65 Magna love. I still have mine.

This one.

Well-played. I could easily look people in the eye and tell them I’d paid. 35 large for that.