This is absolutely why we all use Classical Greek myths as valid scientific evidence. The accuracy and truth.
This is absolutely why we all use Classical Greek myths as valid scientific evidence. The accuracy and truth.
I Think you are missing the most important one. Steel Magnolias.
I appreciate that he *could* have been talking about Putin due to Russia’s semi-presidential system, but he was 100% talking about Yeltsin. Reasons: 1) Gorbachev has a well-known hatred of Yeltsin that is much stronger than his concerns about Putin. Don’t forget Yeltsin basically ousted him in a coup 2) Yeltsin was…
This is some beautiful shade. “He’s a fanboy. I met him once and he sends me tons of emails. I reply to some of them.”
“Sporadically exchanged views” is my favorite part, because kushner was so obviously stanning.
Well, yes to all that. But let’s assume the wings acted really as a glider, so no need to flap them or such, nor any need for hollow bones or enlarged chest muscles. Lack of air would be an issue but I highly doubt the Greeks could pull off a glider that could manage over 15,000 ft high, which would be the point you…
Could THIS be the shade????
Your very limited personal experience?
Faced with a crisis that he inherited from his predecessor,
HE approached ME. And let that be known.
“after a foreign policy lecture I had given”
Dorinda is calling Melania a stripper which obviously isn’t true because you know that woman has no rhythm.
When women start doing that to me, and hit them with the “ehn, mine’s a little on the slow side, but he’s sweet and happy, but I drank like a fish through most of my pregnancy, so [shrug!]”
I’d do the same, but I’m pretty sure the IUD string would hang out of one of my nostrils.
Excuse me while I snort my birth control off my desk.
Apropos to nothing, but as we discuss male/female dynamic and political power, I would just like to point out something at FOX News:
The women who were harassed got $33 million.
The two men who did the harassing got $65 million.
The expressions on those men’s faces......
So you’d have us all believe.
‘I am also on the Genghis Khan diet, which is recommended for young lotharios and involves eating sweet potato, sunflower seeds and horny goat weed.”
My sympathy for her ran out when he involved minors, and she opted to stay with him anyway. Until she divorces him, she is the woman who willingly stayed with a pedophile. Especially since his behavior occurred in proximity to one of her own children.