plot twist! she and baron become super lefty liberals who use their inheritance to fight against and dismantle donny’s influence and power
plot twist! she and baron become super lefty liberals who use their inheritance to fight against and dismantle donny’s influence and power
did you see that doc that was made, something about fox news brainwashed my dad?
I’M SO FUCKING EXCITED/i hate myself
hilary mantel’s thomas cromwell books - they’re dense and her writing style is a little hard to get used to but once you get over the crisis of trying to remember who is who (unless you’re a tudor historian in which case no worries) and just let the story wash over you they’re gorgeous and brilliant
and, like, his actress being a woman, and a young woman, and a young beautiful woman, and a young beautiful woman in the entertainment industry, and a young beautiful woman in the entertainment industry in the 70s... i mean, chances are she probably wouldn’t have had to have reached that far to have come up with rage…
they are dancing so badly
i hope they just make him a regular cast member - i would not say no to this sketch every damn week
what happened with the house?
my fave is the weird side belief (idk if this is cannon or not but when i started to be an upitty feminist right before i left they would tell me and some of the other girls this to placate us i think) about how there definitely IS a ‘Heavenly Mother’ but she’s so special and holy and pure they don’t want to talk…
it is a totally weird religion, and the user experience varies greatly, between people who are all stepford wifey perfect mormons to the ones who are abusive and fucked up to the ones who are WAY over the top everything in the world is scary and not allowed to the normalish people who enjoy the community... all of it…
i would 100% secretly turn up for that
fuck yes this
thank you for being the hero we deserve
this has been 500 days of swimsuits
i am with you, and not just because of my obsession with the tudors when i was a horny weird teenager, but because henry viii - as far as he knew it - actually was the most important person in the world and invincible and perfect and whatever. its still narcissism, but jovial pleasant inevitable almost-excusable…
*he can’t literally have you executed YET
i was just saying that! but if we could have figured that tactic out months ago we wouldn’t even be here. i still can’t fucking believe [he never released his tax returns] and we let him get away with that. and then replace what’s in the brackets with any one of thousands of fucking things
yeah what the fuck are all the rest of the people in the room doing when she/he/any of them answer like that? why isn’t the next person’s question the exact same question? i feel like we should all band together and decide that any time they have a press conference or a q and a there’s only one question that’s asked…
yessss i am always surprised that more celebs don’t do that, especialllllllly when their careers and audiences and mediums start changing, like quit while you’re ahead on your own terms with your private island buying money! i mean, obviously mostly they don’t not because they need the money but because they’re…