Bonnie Bernstein Haberdashery

Their advertising blitz for Forsaken/2.0 has been overwhelming. There were a few days at the beginning of the month where I didn’t go more than 15 mins on TV/social media without seeing an ad for Forsaken.

Yeah I think we need screenies of Drew’s real-time reactions during that spectacular meltdown.

Your dad is Michael Scott...?

All it needs to do is run into a subway station column at full speed and it’s peak Philly.

Hue off the chopping block after one non-loss week? Idunno, man...

If Donaldson becomes a solid contributor for the Indians in October, you can expect that all pissed-off parties will only become even more mad.

“Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.”

You missed the one where the idiot said “I’m gonna drone strike my Nikes!” and then tossed in one of the shittiest CGI explosions ever and you could still see the intact shoes underneath them.

This does not square with any of the Vikings fans around whom I’ve lived for a decade.

I’ve lived among Vikings fans for 10 years. You lot deserve nothing.

I’ve lived among Vikings fans for 10 years. You lot deserve nothing.

In your house is it referred to as 6:22 or 38 to 7?

It remains *so* telling that Vikings fans will never get over the Minneapolis Miracle and its status as the greatest moment in franchise history because it only happened in the divisional round (after which they got fucking vaporized by a team with a backup QB that barely beat the Falcons). I will repost this tomorrow

It wasn’t a surprise if you’d heard the name “Scott Walker” prior to 2016...

Are... are you serious? Multi-accounting is *the* leg up in the era of raids. With this many devices he can easily solo any raid, including really obnoxious shit like Latias. On top of that, he could easily rip through any gym in a matter of minutes.

Or literally anything on the Blue Album.

On one hand, this is terminally stupid.

“Hey Siri, what if Draymond’s antics came from someone likable?”

Ed REALLY wants that “RFA” part of his @ to stick, huh?

Also, Tony Grossi can eat my shit forever.