
This issue is NOT the dog’s fault, it is the owner’s fault and if it can’t be resolved neighbor to neighbor and calling the police doesn’t help, this is the result. People are inconsiderate assholes and most inconsiderate assholes have horrible animals that they don’t try to train and control. I happen to live next

I’ve gotten grief for being adamant about teaching my daughters how to cook because “women don’t NEED to cook to feed men” but I’m teaching them because they NEED to be able to feed themselves. Yes, restaurants exist but I grew up broke so it’s hard to break the “Hay comida en la casa” mentality.

Nothing is sexier than smarts! The strongest turn on. Opening your mind to learn is one of the fiercest things you can do! Feed your fabulous brain!

Bella Hadid is reading The Outsider by Steven King. Gigi’s reading L’Etranger, which in a lot of places is translated as The Outsider. Please please tell me they got a recommendation from somewhere (or one from the other?) and one of them got it wrong.

Someone tell Dev Patel he needs to stop stealing Keanu Reeve’s thing.

You’re all reading too much into this. It’s her Batman voice.

Yes - Canadians do refer to going to University unless they are going to community college which we just call College.  To say “I’m going to College” either sounds American or of a lower level (although I personally understand the value of applied education since I work with both levels).  The only exceptions are a

I elevate him to the status of man.

Yeah, those tacklers weren’t very hard-boiled.

Biiiitch, like you don’t own at least *one* top with some kind of spangles on it that says “wine mom.”

“...better than my aunt’s going out tops” has me in a fit of uncontrollable giggles. thank you.

Definitely not, I only know him through his partnership with Target. But it’s made him plenty of money and they presumably have access to something better than my aunt’s going out tops.

Can I recommend the podcast ‘Escaping Nexium’? It’s really good.

If Harvard had instituted a quota on rich kids, he’d have a point.  They have not.

I remember watching LaToya on some talk show and her just blurting out ‘oh, everybody knows Michael is queer for little boys’. The panel was stunned. I believed her. I always had the impression that she was ‘crazy’, but in the kind of way as to say too crazy to help keep a secret. My certainty was confirmed when

Horrific abuse is really the only thing that can explain the state of everyone in that family.

I relate to this a lot - it took me several attempts at being vegetarian before I was eating more than cheese and bread. The key to a meat-free diet is that you sort of shift the entire construct of meals that you had before. It’s not about “replacing” meat, but more about expanding your food options to include new

Indeed. Almost every city in the US these days have viable local alternatives to Starbucks.  Have no idea what keeps that rank chain going strong.

regular coffee from starbucks tastes like burnt coffee that’s been sitting in the employee lounge for a week.

The fact that you think they’re one and the same (or that black people en masse = Black Lives Matter) says a lot about what you think about black people. (Spoiler alert: “magical negroes” service whiteness;“black girl magic” is entirely in service of ourselves.)

It also says a lot about your understanding of semantics,