
Are you for real? It’s not classism to think that a family who shows up with absolutely nothing - no stroller, no carseat, nothing to transport the baby in, are being negligent. ‘I’m sure they’ll do better next time’ isnt good enough where kids are concerned. that’s the point of these stories.

Okay, as someone who takes public transportation because I can’t afford the car, who sees families with strollers all the time on it, this isn’t classism. No. The bio family was being dumb and thoughtless with *weeks* of time to think of it and that doesn’t bode well for the baby.

Her point is that they didn’t bother to bring anything for the baby, like a stroller, or anything to carry all of the baby supplies the foster family was giving them. Even though they knew for weeks that they would be picking up the baby and her stuff. Common sense is pretty important when it comes to babies.

You don’t have to defend them. They got the baby, despite their total lack of preparation or common sense.

The only one thus far that I REALLY felt for was the one who’s kid randomly got a fractured skull, but had no idea how it happened because she wasn’t around when the injury happened and nobody would fess up about dropping the baby.

Thanks so much for sharing your perspective on this. I know that the purpose of this series is to highlight the parents’ perspective in the system, but having worked on the “child’s” side of the system, I think the children’s stories are necessary to give a complete picture.

I’m an adult now with a good life, but I was a child with a mother like the women in these stories. She was stripped of her parental rights by a Midwestern state in the early 90s. I don’t know how much you all know about the Midwest, but for my home state to decide that a woman was not fit to parent, her behavior had

I think so. Dump is so utterly incapable of not being the walking personification of all of White Male Privilege’s worst instincts at all times that he’s kind of forced us to admit, as a society, that it really is that bad and that widespread.

That’s a giant stretch. Are we just condemning every man who has made an off-color joke?

The fact it’s happening in the Age of Trump is just bizarre. Maybe we all got sick of creeps being rewarded?

I grew up on a farm, so it always looks like someone with that piercing wants to be led around by the nose.

SJP had a pretty humble upbringing and she’s made her way in the world earning her keep. She hires help because she can and I don’t see too many eccentricities here. This is Jez just trying to stir up some shit. I have to employ aides for a disabled family member. We’ve probably had 60 people rotate in and out over the last 15 years. It’s my house. I don’t want three bottle of Suave shampoo and a giant sized body wash on the bathroom counter. It’s my house. I have a three bin laundry basket LABELLED with

Do yinz think sex addiction is real, or just something that people trot out as an excuse for their shitty sexual “exploits”? It seems like as soon as people (usually men) get called out for cheating, harassment, being a sexual predator, etc that’s their first excuse. And I tend to think that’s just another way to

Right! God forbid she wants her staff to follow instructions!

This seems really shitty. Even if Collins actually does have these emails and knows them to be authentic, still... why share that? There’s no value here, there’s not even anything particularly interesting. It’s not even airing dirty laundry, it’s just violating someone’s privacy for the sake of spreading banal

God help me, but this email, along with the Rob Lowe personal assistant job posting and even the Steve Harvey “Don’t talk to me” memo, all have me on the side of the celebrity. If you have specific instructions for people working for you, what’s wrong with just putting it out there in a respectful way so everything

14 year old son is just tearing through the Vaseline and the body wash these days, huh?

Yeah—this whole story seems like a pretty pointless invasion of someone’s privacy. If the notes that I left for our house-sitter/dog-sitter were ever featured on The View, they would probably seem ridiculous.

The context of these emails seems strange? I would assume a staff member of two fairly well-known celebrities has signed an NDA or should at least know better if they care about maintaining their job than to pass on emails from an employer. And why a comedian would need to read emails about replenishing children’s