
Sooo, how about a fuck you to EVERYONE who waited UNTIL he was exposed to “speak up”?

Uh... is this comment necessary? I don’t know what you hoped to add to this conversation, except you want congratulations for not sexually exploiting women who look at you in the shower? Or that you’re somehow exempt from misogyny because you’re a gay man?

Amazing how that works, eh? Now he’s using his daughters as a shield. He MUST care about women... sure, sure Matt.

That was the point of my post. Matt saying he has daughters is a meaningless statement when he actively helped squash a story that would have exposed Harvey for what he is. Years ago. Damon is complicit. I’m aware of all of this - hence calling out how asinine Damon’s statement was.

She’s Domestic Melania. Fuck her.

The plus side to Trump refusing to acknowledge what happened in Niger is at least we’re spared hearing him pronounce it Nigger, and you just know he would.

Only move to potentially salvage Marchesa. Makes sense.

I know right! And she wasn’t getting paid either. It was a magical Labor of Hate. But it boosted the sales of her own books!

The reviews are fantastic. But, at a certain point I also wanted to be like “It’s okay! You can stop reading the books! We’ll understand!”

Read Jenney Trout’s hilarious 50 Shades recaps on her blog “Sweaters for Days.” Like the great, late Thomas Crapper, she can turn shit into gold;)

LOL “a bit.” Yeah, because it’s totally normal for your boyfriend to make your car inoperable so you won’t leave the house.

Bella Steele is a mousey, um... blond... grad student who falls in love with Christian Swan who is a rich, horny mummy (Tutmoses II)

That’s it, people do the ‘People hate it because they’re prudes/because it’s something women like’ but nah it’s more ‘It’s a crappily written novel that’s a lot of people’s only mainstream introduction to bdsm and just does it wrong’ much like Twlight before it which was portrayed as ‘romantic’ despite Edward being a

I tried reading the first book and was so embarrassed for her. What garbage writing. Especially when you consider the mountains of great, sexy romance novels out in the world. If I were one of those other authors, I’d be furious at the success she’s had for no fucking reason at all.

I’m almost certain you meant Schmella Schmwan but I’ll allow it

Your writing skills are already leagues above and beyond her’s. I say go for it.

Would you care to read my draft 50 fic? In mine, “Shmannah” a young woman who hears slutty voices in her head falls in love with “Schmedward” a wealthy businessman with a dark past. But can Schmannah cure him with her sparkly vagina? Or will she choose her friend Schmacob who is a poor but has abs (spoiler: no!)? Oh

I wouldn’t object to that except that these books are an unhealthy example of BDSM and D/s relationships. The vanilla people who read them for a thrill (which is totally fine), get a really fucked up idea about the people who really are kinky. Also, the notion that kinky people are “damaged” is offensively pervasive

She equates Christian’s abused past as the reason why he’s into BDSM! She’s heinous. Ugh.

“What are things we don’t need in this world?”
Now that I have the board, I’ll take Potent Potables for $1000.