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Why the hell would Dave leave without his helmet? Hal had already exhibited enough strange behavior to worry the astronauts enough to consider shutting him down, but he then leaves himself to such a vulnerable position?

Not sure why you'd care, since I have no idea who you are, but they didn't. Now as Shitty and unclicked as Taylor's writing is, I can see why he would claim it. He sure won't be remembered for anything he wrote.

Transcendentally beautiful, but how did they pay for it, whuffie?


Flop schmop, I love this film.

I pictured Rust Cohle writing this article, while chain-smoking and downing a sixer.

It's not exactly sci-fi—though it kinda/sorta is historical fantasy:

The Don't-Have-A-Cows Are Not What They Seem.

The Alliance from Firefly.

I agree with all your critiques- even though I still enjoyed the ending. I would chalk this up to how well acted and directed it was. There have been some great technical work- both in art direction and cinematography, throughout the show; this kept in that, but not up to the level of that tracking shot in episode 5.

Oedipus with a dragon!

The great Turin Turambar, of course.

Oh, I'm completely with you on the point you were making about false rape accusations. You don't need to convince me.

What they fail to realize is that spirit of rebellion is what is meant by most when the flag is flown today. One would think they would realize that there are others who embody that exact spirit that they idolize like the Browncoats from Serenity/Firefly. The rebellion in that series goes very much to the heart of

These facts don't matter, only their indoctrination based on feels.

Not to mention the draft riots/lynchings

Racism or Out-Group prejudice is a fact of the human condition. It is observed by humans as far back as recorded history can be traced by anthropologists. To remove racism from a human requires quite a large amount of social conditioning.

I'm a Yankee asshole too, but I'm rather sick the of the smug superior attitude that Yankee assholes wield over people from the South, so I'm calling it out.

Ok, snobbish Yankee assholes, answer this question: