
That's because you're a such a fucking bad writer, Seanie.

Well, have you ever said 'Jesus Christ Almighty' for 'For god's sake'? Are you a practising Christian? I assume not.

Yes, he needs to prove himself innocent of that first before we can accept him again as the lovable Porter or the kindly Riggs, Friend of the Elderly Black Man.

For a certain type of person, yes.

At least Mel never rape-raped anyone.

Yeah, but you do write this without any evident self-awareness:

Oh this is going to be good! I'm foreseeing this page will be like a rally for all the AVC Fortum Nazi Hunters.

He suddenly got very bad with 'War Inc'. That must have been when he fired his agent who had had the temerity to tell him, ' Umm, you can't be a hitman who wears tight black suits in every film, John? Also, your sister looks like The Joker'.

Umm, actually the motto or, in the German phrase, 'field word', 'Gott mit Uns" predates Hitler by a hundred years or more, It's actually derived, along with the black uniform and totenkopf appropriated by the Schutzstaffel, from the elite Husaren-Regiment Nr. 5 (von Ruesch), hussar regiment whose cachet the SS were

Yes, the Nick is always nuanced and allusive.

But I did.

But you, not so much.

Did you really end the post ''Murica!' to proclaim your own enlightened intelligence and slap the meathead patriotism of the peasants ruing the rest of the world?

…And they're off!

You know who should play the Will Smith role? The charismatic genius that is Jaden Smith!

It was the British navy what won it.

It's bizarre how, right across South America, this clapped-out totalitarian failed Napoleon-wannbe is regarded as a liberating prophet. Until they realise Bolivar was not a model to be emulated either as a personality or a political philosophy - let alone a military strategist - Hispanic America is always going to

"(which he is, not infrequently)."

Still, it's killed less people than those three stooges of atheism, Mao, Hitler & Stalin.