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Wasn’t this video on Jez or Gawker media like, less than a month ago?

It’s cute because you think this is a one time performance. The man unarguably associated with playing uncharacteristically fantastic in poor weather conditions might’ve cheated in one half?

All teams break the rules to some extent or another during the game.

I completely agree with you, this entire thing is overblown, and the Pats shouldn’t have to forfeiture any picks or anything, that’d be ridiculous, but Brady still clearly knew what he was doing,

I’m a CPA. LOL.

So you’re always a maxi dress, right?

Semantics. They got called out on cheating, and regardless of the significance, cheating is cheating. What are we trying to prove here? Lance Armstrong doped, but so did the majority of his opponents. Why can’t we call it like it is and say Brady knew what was going on, and New England was knowingly bending the rules,

Someone needs to break this up

It’s easy. When you’re arraigned, the judge asks how do you plea, and you answer either guilty, not guilty, or no contest, then the rest takes it’s course.

when the girl you like is arguing with her boyfriend

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It's penny's on Kevin. There was a similar segment about a kid selling bow ties last year. This is about publicity, not making money.

Fuck, do I hate Rick Perry. What happened. Where did "we," all go wrong?

So when she poops is the throne.... you know what, whatevs.

Hour long rebuttals are why I hate the internet.

I dunno, Mark, it seems like you have no idea what "start shit, get hit," means. Most of these dogs look like they're just chilling.

The last time I shit my pants was the day after I stopped drinking. It was also the best thing that ever happened to me.

Umm, regardless of how subjective the entire pageant thing is, holy hell she is gorgeous.

Dear god this is terrifying.

I'd go with the necklaces.

I bought her a diamond ring before "we," attempted** a long distance relationship in college. I went out-of-state, she stayed in. Two years later, she finally revealed she cheated before our senior year of high school. (when I say she "revealed" apparently everyone knew, including former "friends," and it was