
headline: "Is this headline Buzzfeed worthy or what?"

Uhhh where the fuck is soft ball? I played football and basketball growing up and if I'm getting a hit at the cages it's going to be a slow softball.

Hopefully you didn't catch a futbol game at the Stade de France. That kind of racism is humiliating.

Controversial opinion: No one would know Phil Jackson's name if it wasn't for Jordan and Pippen, or Kobe and Shaq... Or for fucking his owner's daughter. Yay!!!

Close enough.

...because Colts' running backs have been so successful?

how the fuck did that sign make it through security? Touche.

This isn't at all surprising. As someone who works in the television/ news industry, today's news consumer seemingly prefers to have his or her ideals conjured for them, rather than simply being offered the facts. and formulating his/her own opinion. Anyone can hate the media as much as they want, but the truth is

It's refreshing seeing a Melo make a pass rather than bricking the shot himself.


Is her eye black or blue?

"A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" (Proverbs 12:10)

I'm 26, I live over 500 miles away from my parents, and I still lie to them. I think lying is par for the course in the parental-child relationship, it's really the significance of the lie that matters.

"If you have cancer, which I believe is a fungus..."

You're the worst.

Hornets's bench reaction was priceless.

Now playing

Tony Parker bitching about a travel be like: