Tony Parker asking for a travel call is hysterical. Tony's signature spin move is a travel.
Tony Parker asking for a travel call is hysterical. Tony's signature spin move is a travel.
I'm screen capping this, the Big 12 will send at least 4 teams to the 2nd weekend, and Draper wont say a damn thing about it.
The RPI is garbage? LOL come one Draper, you're losing cred by the second... Lets hear your opinion on +/- and analytics next, this should be fun.
I'm a KU alumni who was pissed that Perry missed the layup, but seriously, LOL that was a fucking travel. Oh well.
You're giving Derek Fisher too much credit.
Just curious, did you even try watching this video before posting?
Epileptic here, my Keppra is highly effective, but in case of a seizure, my wife is instructed to try to remove me from any objects that may harm me (i.e perhaps drag me by my ankles from something that could drop on top on me), and stay the fuck away from my mouth (as long as my airway is cleared).
The sign said Livingston Frost exit 22, a quick google search pulls up 70754 zip in LA.
This is probably my favorite illustration of all time. Nice work, Jim.
Shoni was hoggin' all night and she couldn't hit the back side of a barn.
I'd argue that all cops reallllllly need body cams, especially for circumstances like these, but even if they all had them I find it dificult to believe they'd ever divulge the video to the public if it were incriminating.
It's a chain they have one in South Lake, TX, too.
Papa John's would be her favorite pizza.
Who ever owns the rights to the "girl with big boobs and mediocre voice," patent must be making a fortune.
Yeah but can you get him to shut the fuck up when someone rings the doorbell?
Perry's right. He clearly doesn't know what the fuck he's doing.
I bet I could kick this kid's ass.
You're at your own one, great play or not there's no point of not taking the risk here (for Butler). #staywoke.
Two game suspension for the PA guy and an apology from the sound system.