“cordial conversation”.... so they banged?
Good. Fuck them and their kind.
2,000 subjects out of 6 million US companies or 0.03%. I’d say the comment is probably justified.
Was really hoping for something different when I went to AL.com
It’s fucking New York City. When does anyone want to stop and talk to anyone with a clipboard, let alone in the cold rain? Ain’t nobody got time for dat!
Archie: Peyton, why are you wearing your helmet at the table?
Look above the 0s and you’ll see the penalty kick scores that determined the winner.
The Last Samurai had the same message
You forgot Cable TV bundles
You’re both racist. That’s Omar Epps.
Try Siggi’s
That’s impossible? Clearly you’ve never seen me trying to grab just one hanger from my closet. Every. Damn. Time.
For once it might be MetsLOL maybe?
Maybe it’s just a play on nomenclature sky?
For summer olympics I’d argue pole vault. Ever seen a guy miss the mats from 20 feet up?