Too bad Kidd didn’t have a coach that could tell him not to beat his wife.
What is entitled about wanting to your side of the story?
This story puts into perspective just how remarkable Greg Jennings’ performance against the Saints really was.
Stopped reading your comment at “sportsball.”
And this wasn’t even the riotous Stanley Cup loss.
Christ, that team.
All beefs should be settled in Temecula.
/scans headline
“PLEASE say they met in Temecula... PLEASE say they met in Temecula....”
Fisher fled the house and headed straight to Temecula, where he hoped Barnes would meet him to truly finish the fight.
The NFL is furiously scribbling notes right now. “We’re good at this... but it’s clear we could be so much better.”
Was at the game last night, sitting in the upper deck. After the final out, a fan in front of us was about to throw garbage out onto the field. My friend stopped him, the fan in front of us proceeded to turn around and say “you’re not a real Yankee fan.”
Jesus fucking christ is this article for real
Winner winner, mac n cheese din...forget it.
A couple of readers emailed me to let me know that this is not Luke’s first time getting arrested. He allegedly called a cop a “nigger” in September 2014, according to a police report.
“This is getting posted somewhere, and you’re gonna look like a fuckin’ tool”
My daily fantasy consists of both of these companies going away.