that's a paddlin'

real life Baby-legs

These are the people that keep the WWE afloat.

I think it’s about time Deadspin let you write for them

get off the Kool Aid bud

lolol NASCAR

Serious question: how did you get out of the greys?

EDIT: embedding vines is a challenge for some of us.

Yeah - I’d prefer to be a healthy distance away from that as well.

Can’t deny his entertainment value.

First instinct is always Bobby Jenks

No mention of tooth on tooth contact?

Now playing

Perhaps it’s time for Hedo to focus on his true calling: acting.

What the hell happened to the defense?

to stir into flame, the gift of God.

I’ll never forget the story about that girl in Columbus that died at a Blue Jackets game as a result of an errant puck.

He was thrown at twice, the second as retaliation for hitting Cain on Sunday’s game.