Derek Martz

Few people can be that crazy and also be talented enough to make me forget about that while they're acting.

Fiona Apple - "Criminal."

And Sal closes it all out with a mutton-chopped, leather-wearing "Bye Bye Birdie."

I kind of hated the finale. It was all soooo phony. Bianca absolutely deserved to win, but that was a rough hour and a half to get through.

The Strategy was gorgeous.

My god, do I love The Day of the Doctor.

Things like Selina's apparent passion for childcare lead me to believe her heart is in the right place, even while her head is so far up her ass she's turning inside out.

What's a mememam?

How DARE someone with a distinctive authorial voice keep that voice when they write a different thing?

The only way to win is to lose seems like a very Veep moral of the story to go out on.

I don't find Hitchcock and Scully funny. They're the only characters I have any problem with. Well, them and Vivian, that BITCH!

I have no idea why I'm rooting for Selina and her staff, but god help me, I am. Meyer/(Amy's Last Name) '16!

Cool! The Up Comedy Club is a lovely venue.

It did show the couple adopting a (presumed) mixed breed from a shelter in their shiny, new Audi at the end.

(Obligatory defense of Colin Baker as being screwed over; he's awesome in the audios, etc. etc.)

Really, though, if William Hartnell had never left Doctor Who, the concept of regeneration would never have come about, and the show would be a mostly-forgotten relic of '60s British TV, like Adam Adamant Lives. The best it could have hoped for was a Prisoner level of cult fame. Instead, Patrick Troughton joined up,

Vat19! They're fun.


Interesting. It looks incredibly awkward to hold, but I'm glad it's functional. Not a big pizza fan, though. I'll take an ice cream scoop, though!