Derek Martz

That's tough to read.

"I don't know about this, guys."

Nick is only the most delightful cast member of season two, which is quite a feat next to Daniel Vosovic and Andrae. What happened to him, by the way?

Rory Scovel and Bill Lawrence = instant season pass.

Stop trying to make Anne Heche happen, NBC.

"I remember when this club prohibited women. Those were the days. Girls are icky."

It's Frank from Face Off! Hi, Frank!

I appreciate that this is apparently well made and tastefully done, but I can't imagine why anyone would put themselves through watching this. I imagine all but the luckiest of this show's potential audience have already watched a loved one's slow, inexorable decline. We've felt the incredibly mixed emotions of grief;

Um, I did. Is it so outlandish to think they knew she was ill, and were planning to kill off her character? I'm glad they weren't, because that would be unspeakably tacky, but the thought did occur to me.

Does anyone know the title of the song starting at 1:56? I can't find it anywhere.

I've got to go with the plane crash from Lost.

This is why I love DVD chapters. ⇥

For me, the scariest scene is when it kills Lambert. Oh, and the face hugger in the lab from Aliens.

It's such a shame that for every legitimately terrifying scene in Signs, there's a doofy plot point to cancel it out. Swing away my ass.

The ending! Karen Black is INCREDIBLE. Every single element of her performance is utterly horrifying.

Scary stuff's always much scarier when you care about the victims. How can you not love little Coraline, and Other Wybie and Other Father, too?

Me, too! It doesnt "scare" me in the traditional sense, but it fills me with this incredible, almost painful dread. I didn't begin to find showers relaxing until a few years ago. Thanks, Hitch.

While we're on the subject of Richard Mulligan, how about the scene where Bob Ewell chases Scout and Jem through the forest from To Kill a Mockingbird? In that moment, we are all a scared little girl dressed as a ham.

I hate The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I legitimately felt like I was watching a snuff film. It really got under my skin because nothing's… right. Everything's off. That meathook. Jesus. Never again.