
I’m still waiting for the Heimishe trend of 2024.

Seriously! Next thing you know, the Nordic model with their social democracy might be the next big thing! How horrible! Daycare for children, universal health care, free education... I don’t know how I could deal with that!

If that’s how you feel, then by all means, stand your ground! And I also expect Scandinavians will steadfastly refuse to be coerced into esoteric North American concepts like Lonely Libertarian Late-stage Capitalism. Skol!

They gave the denotation. You bring the connotation. Both are correct.

You must be American.  Using words that aren’t English should be Taboo (joke, as the word Taboo is borrowed from Polynesia)...

Europe’s Nordic countries—which consistently rank among the world’s happiest, also notably spend very little on mass incarceration, military invasions of other countries, spend a lot more on public safety nets, have a lot of time off from work, and have zero medical debts because healthcare is nationalized there.

Visiting a friends family in Norway introduced me to hoselig. We spent hours outside wrapped in blankets around a fire chatting watching the sun (never) set horizontally on the horizon.

Yeah. It was sold (along with a bunch of other BS) back in the wake of 9/11 as necessary to protect us. Now it’s going to be 20 years before it even rolls out.