
RealID can be a nightmare for people who cannot locate or never had a birth certificate. Especially if they don’t have a passport. Admittedly it’s a small percentage of the population but it is an onerous and unfair burden. And user cjc is correct, it’s a bunch of BS sold to us by pols to score political points in the

If that’s how you feel, then by all means, stand your ground! And I also expect Scandinavians will steadfastly refuse to be coerced into esoteric North American concepts like Lonely Libertarian Late-stage Capitalism. Skol!

OK let me apologize in advance, these 2 are not a broadcasting duo (but is there even one crew that has 2 females?).   For some perverse reason I want to see a throw-down with Sage Steele & Doris Burke. I can’t even explain why; I kind of like both of them.

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