Luckily the owners can force him out, which I'm sure is what'll hap- Oh, they're still making buckets of money? Nevermind then.
Luckily the owners can force him out, which I'm sure is what'll hap- Oh, they're still making buckets of money? Nevermind then.
He wants to keep playing football, let's play football.
Paterson, who has worked in the Stockton school district for more than 10 years,
Kobe Bryant—with six seconds left on the shot clock—took a shot that has a historic success rate of 12%, rather than dribbling or passing to one of his teammates, almost all of whom were shooting better, and definitely smarter, than Kobe.
"And then I thought, 'Oh, they don't mean anything by it. Just let it go. No one thinks anything of it.' I didn't think anyone did," says Schmidt, the principal of Sullivan High School.
It reminded me of that time he did this and then quit tweeting.
RGIII wasn't black enough before not being black enough was cool.
And this is exactly why Gurley should have told the NCAA to shove it and stayed gone.
This comment speaks to me deeply.
He's going to be the 3rd youngest Finals MVP so it's gotta be.
More like their system plastered his Twitter handle on a standard image they'd created for the occasion. Retweeting their tweet is all you have to do to get the same thing.
It's not just that they're not good. It's that they're not good because they're playing horrible basketball on purpose. It's one thing for a coach to be hampered by his roster and have them perform really badly like, say, the Sixers, Even if the front office has all but admitted to making the team bad on…