I wonder how all the folks with the “oh my god we can’t criticize Democrats, this is what they need to be to win!” takes feel about her stating that she “probably would have” voted to confirm Kavanaugh even though she found Dr. Blasey Ford’s accusation “credible.” Are there just no standards for what is disqualifying…
California Coldblood—a division of Rare Bird Books with arguably the coolest name in publishing—ultimately said it would go ahead with the publication of Tynes’ book—but only on Kindle’s self-publishing format, Buzzfeed notes—because of its “contractual obligations,” stating in a tweet that after it recoups…
The amount of credulous reporting of this “Humanitarian aid” really re-enforces how rotten we are to the core as a nation, as does the variety of Trump’s allies on this, from Marco Rubio (duh) to Hillary Clinton to Bernie Sanders. We’ve done literally this exact thing before, even the actors are the same.
Yup. Center for American Progress and Elliott Abrams walking hand-in hand.
The only thing she changed was her view on the government’s role, not her views of gay people.
Just remember, tens of millions of Brazilians didn’t do what’s about to happen to themselves or to their communities or to their environment.
WWE ran this angle 14 years ago, surprised it took this long for them to be so inspired.
If you want to go there, the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House was a serial child molester and we only found out years after he resigned.
Lot of people in the comments here going way too easy on Obama re: the concessions made in the ACA. He and Rahm were determined to make it a political victory instead of using the grassroots network that helped him win the office in the first place, and specifically told them to stop trying to pressure Democratic…
Hell yeah noted communists “The Republican Party.”
Having no personal or professional consequences to their actions serves them just fine. I think that’s all it comes down to. It’s a “We are all SHS” moment for the professional political class.