This is why my husband won’t adopt and it breaks my heart. He doesn’t think the adopted child will think of him as a father, and he has a hard time thinking that child is his.
This is why my husband won’t adopt and it breaks my heart. He doesn’t think the adopted child will think of him as a father, and he has a hard time thinking that child is his.
When they roleplay American Psycho, they always make Tiffany be the dog they kick to death. :(
It also doesn’t help their “quest for class” that the internet is replete with images of “fauuther” pounded KFC like a common poors.
This gives me hope that one day, Barron may be a dreadlocked budtender freeganing his way through Tucson and giving long rambling interviews to whoever will buy him a beer.
Although I thought during the campaign in one of those fluff interviews either him or his wife said that the kids favorite game was “tickle the daddy”? Which just sounds so creepy and the idea of anyone tickling Ted Cruz gives me hives so I’m not going to look it up, but I remember hearing that and being like, your…
I haven’t seen someone get flicked in at least 2 decades. I’m dying.
Ivanka, you can’t wash of the smegma of white supremacy off, no matter how much you pay your glam squad. As Mordecai told Esther,“Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape.” Esther 4:13
I’ve noticed that America loves women (and girls) with potential, as long as that potential never turns into actually doing better than/challenging a man at anything.
I should probably go back and make a list of all the people who said they’d vote for Kamala Harris for president to “prove” they weren’t sexists just so I can help to keep them honest.
It feels like this is the beginning of the 2020 presidential race, where people like Kamala Harris, if not Kamala Harris herself, will be running and we will once again be subjected to widespread sexism and misogyny (and if a candidate is a women of color, racism too) which then white men will gaslight us and deny it…
They rejected Heather for the cover, which made me smile. Having said that, Lydia is a poor choice for a returning housewife.
Oh my goodness, that picture with Billie Lourd.
She is a Jenner, not a Kardashian. And she exploits the features (and sometimes literal skin color) of other races/ethnicities with plastic surgery that would otherwise be seen as lesser on their original bodies. I think when you start straying into oddly exploitative territory with the voluntary changes you make to…
It’s funny that they expect us to believe that’s how she actually looks.... old photos reveal she’s the same chinless bucktoothed pudding as her brothers.... but bam, as soon as you get a jawline installed + a few veneers, suddenly you’re some kinda genetic role model.
Oh, jeez. Take your disgusting star.