Bolognius Chump

The comments on a few articles about the strike on this very site were making me raaaage. “I can’t afford to strike unlike all those wealthy white women!” No one is forcing you but if think strikes have ever been about wealthy people taking off work I think you need a history refresher. They also totally ignored the

He wouldn’t say that if the nothing burger came with soup.

1. There are plenty of countries where women are treated far better than in the States.

How are the women imaginary if they are also better off than other women?

Well, evidently they had an unused landline connection available at Mar-A-Lago the “Southern White House”.

Man, i hated rotary phones. You had to start all the way from the beginning if you made a mistake and didn’t dial the reich number.

The American taxpayers just bought a phone that probably doesn’t even work.

Well, evidently they had an unused landline connection available at Mar-A-Lago.

Couldn’t be him. You can’t tweet on it.

There are a number of “moderate” repubs, almost all of whom manage to overcome their distaste of oligarchy to vote in lockstep with the rest. He’s just one of them. None of them are worth a damn, because they’ve done nothing to stop their crazier brethren.

Of course he doesn’t want to be a dictator. He just wants to run for President for the rest of his life. He fucking loves doing that.

One time I was on 6AM flight and the dude sitting next to me ate a can of tuna fish and three hard boiled eggs for breakfast. That definitely deserved having the cops called.

That is an awesome story and knowing the rural PNW personally, its totally believable.

I hear there are “secret black meetings” monthly in most major cities.

You ask this with a surprised tone. The answer is yes. He really does think all black people know each other. Also, they all look alike to him, too.

How dare you bring Ivanka into this.

Does... he think all black people know one another?

I misread this and expected to hear someone yell “baby hands” during the press conference. I was disappointed.

This is so deliciously good.

I’m rewatching season 9 right now and it’s the same Heather. Bullying Shannon and twisting her actions around to make her look crazy and talking down to everyone else. No fun, Heather Whoville, in her quilted Chanel palace of wealth and snobbery.