
This is hilarious! I also thought Susie in Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of those characters. Everyone thinks she’s obnoxious and annoying but I love her so so much.

Anyhow, is there a chance you can change the word lame to something else? It’s a pretty ableist term. I, too, have been guilty of using in that past and am

The X-Files... most James Bond movies before Daniel Craig... Betty on Mad Men...

Betty Draper, anyone?

“Twister is my husband’s favorite movie.”

Not sure if this quite fits in but I think it’s in the ballpark: I realized that Richard Dreyfuss is the good guy in What about Bob? When I first watched it, I laughed — hard not to laugh at Bill Murray — and enjoyed various aspects. Some years later, when my husband got it to out to show to our son, I realized that

Susan in Narnia. She’s the only one of the siblings who doesn’t get to return to Narnia and be eternal queen, and her only crime seems to be that she likes to wear lipstick, date boys and not spend hours every day revisiting her childhood. It sours an otherwise amazing books series for me.

So I don’t think there’s a lame bitch in this movie, but can someone please write an article about how super gross 50 First Dates actually is? Thank you.

Like. Bender is the worst. As a kid I didn’t see it as an adult I’m yelling “run Molly Ringwald run”

Poor James Marsden is the male lame bitch. Every single time he’s the better option and every single time he gets dumped or killed or dumped then killed. Why can’t he ever find love.

Not movies, but Monica from Friends. She is ambitious, and fastidious about her work, and frequently the target of jokes because she prefers to live like a grownup.

Kristy Swanson’s character in Big Daddy. She was a bitch for leaving an unambitious, lazy, immature dude who had zero respect for her work? Yeah, okay.

I’ve recently realized that all poor Rabbit wants is to garden, be productive and be left to himself. He doesn’t want Winnie-the-Pooh eating all his food and messing up his house, and he doesn’t want to be (repeatedly) assaulted by Tigger. Is that really too much to ask?

Assistant principal Richard Vernon in the Breakfast club.

Great article. And I’m a man!

Emily Gilmore was right almost all of the time.

Sarah Silverman in “School of Rock”. They worked hard to make her a petulant unlikeable shrew, but godammit, she was right to turn Dewey in. She was terrible to her boyfriend, Mike White and probably just should have broken up with him, but she was 100% in the right about her assessment of the Jack Black situation.

This is why I like “Legally Blonde”: it reverses our expectations by making the heroine (Reese Witherspoon) join forces with the “bitch” character (Selma Blair).

The classic Lame Bitch who was right.

After viewing Rushmore years after it came out, Max Fisher (played by Jason Schwartzman) really jumped out as a fucked-up, manupulitive, stalker-in-training.

Punch drunk love: All the sisters were right.