More like hires hookers who look like her and tells them to call him “daddy”
More like hires hookers who look like her and tells them to call him “daddy”
Yeah that awkward laugh was definitely her thinking about the fact Trump probably goes for people similar to Ivanka so he can imagine fucking his daughter.
To be fair, compression is not just for aids poor circulation, especially in athletes with varicose veins, and lessens fatigue, thus improving endurance..all good stuff no matter what your size!
I have never been as pro-”this company” as I am pro-Athleta. Their stuff is pricier but nearly every single piece I’ve bought was worth it. I really hope they don’t eventually become crap like every other apparel company I’ve ever taken a shine to.
You missed the part where The Southern Yogi’s “human” called out nolatrees for her size public ally and deleted the posting.
Thanks for posting this! I’ve followed Dana for a while, and I had purchased her classes through the Cody app because it was so nice to see a body like mine doing yoga. I didn’t know anything about this drama until she posted about Cody being purchased, but I have noticed that their instructors are now all the same. I…
As an aside, the Altheta company celebrates body diversity in both their advertising and their clothing. Terrific workout stuff.
Fancy yoga-wear is also for wearing to after-yoga coffee or lunch, or pretending that you worked out while going out and running errands. It doesn’t seem like it would really have much to do with a practice at all unless it was actively distracting you during your workout for your pants to be slowly creeping down your…
Thank god for Old Navy. I have 15 pairs of yoga/workout pants that i’ve bought over the last 20 years. How do people afford to spend more than 80- 100 bucks a pair? I barely spend 20! Do they do laundry every other day?
Yes! Me too! Pajama shorts and a ratty t-shirt.
She is a lovely human and yogini. I admire that she has the courage to be honest about her struggles in a very public way.
Seriously! Who pays that much for workout gear?? Or go to TJMaxx and get Nike or Reebok for 75% off retail price. And none fo the stupid drama!
**clears throat, adjusts glasses** Actually, it was Iyengar’s teacher, Krishnamacharya, who catalyzed Western yoga as we understand it (which btw is not what he taught) via his male students B.K.S. Iyengar, K. Pattahbi Jois, father of ashtanga yoga, and T.K.V. Desikachar, father of viniyoga. There was also a woman who…
I follow several yogi pages on instagram, including Kino MacGregor’s. While I am not for shaming any sort of body type, I’ve never been drawn to follow the Alo yoga page precisely because it features mostly young, white, and thin models. I have nothing against these models, but the lack of diversity on their page was…
I kept reading aloo gobi too & now I want Indian food so badly...
I’m surprised that it has taken the public this long to take Alo to task. They feature all white extremely thin models (about a month ago they added a few image of a woman of color to their site for the first time in years). I don’t know why we women don’t take more of a stand on how we spend our dollars.
Oh look. All the pro-Alo folks are thin. Shocking. I’ll stick to my Old Navy shit, thanks. I’m only sweating in them.