
Maybe? They would def invite each other to weddings I think.

It happens in the 2nd episode and has little to no bearing on the plot for the rest of the season. It’s been almost a year, not sure why you expect everyone to wait on your timetable.

It’s been almost a year.

Hot soccermom?

Maria Bamford: The Special Special Special!!!!!!!! It is my all-time fave comedy special, and my #1 thing to watch when I am sick! Everyone should go watch it! It’s so weird and great!

I go out of my way to (try to) watch any special on Netflix from female comedians, and I find this whole story bizarre because I couldn’t make it through the 2 specials of hers that I’ve seen (probably not her most recent). I was pretty confident in my understanding that her schtick was making fun of women and

It’s a much more flawed place than most people realize. I grew up there and have been in LA for 15 years now and I am planning to move back sometime next year. I love it Portland, and never stopped, but I am so fucking anxious to live there as an adult and to have to face all it’s broken systems. There’s so much work

This week was so hard and for some reason your comment is the only thing that’s made me laugh out loud. Multiple times. WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY BRAIN?? Anyway, here is a star.

Dax Shepard was the best man at his most recent (and seemingly healthy!) wedding!

Oh I am fully aware. Her hatred know no bounds, certainly not logical ones. Just because I am a woman doesn’t mean I get to say a bunch of shitty stuff about about women.

His twitter is the endearing antidote to hers.

Seriously. Fuck her. She somehow manages to also be a documented islamophobe, anti-semite, anti-palestine, flip-flopping (as long as it’s hate!) piece of shit and yet she gets a network tv show.

It will always be one of my favorite shows of all time, and under no circumstance will I watch this new series.

Nah. Fuck her, and fuck everyone facilitating her getting a bigger platform and money for her hateful rhetoric. She has been a shitty person for a long time and has gotten louder and prouder about it the past couple of years. Let’s not normalize her beliefs and validate her followers.

And yet here you are, clicking on it, reading, and commenting. Huzzah for the author.

So are you more mad that they’re women, black, or non-sexual? You need to be more specific because those are three things that are neutral concepts to normal people.

Women have to speak perfectly and recall accurate information at all times. Men get to spend a lifetime being imperfect, and if you want to call them out you better be a white man.

OP said she didn’t own it when corrected. Her response was to own it and then someone gave her misinformation. No need for you to be condescending since I didn’t do anything other than provide information.