
She is a fucking unhinged shitty person now and honestly I think it’s reason enough for this show to not happen. It’s one of my favorite shows, top 3 of all time, and I would be 100% onboard for this reboot if she wasn’t such a top-tier awful person.

Ah, when I read the article my brain registered Elle so I pulled up a pic of her. Now that I have had my coffee (on the Westcoast), here is a brunette Dakota with a low-key make-up look from Night Moves, which she was amazing in. I think she might even be better suited to play Esther than her sister.

It could be so much worse, and she is a fantastic actress. Here she is as a brunette, sans make-up:

And any image of said patches would inspire people to seek out the only one for sale, the original. The only people making money off the fake patches are the people selling the original.

Abandon it now, you will not be rewarded for watching.

She was born on those hooks, I don’t think they have to worry about the brainwashing wearing off. She doesn’t know a life outside of it, during Mad Men she was still participating in their weekly public readings of their “literature.” The more money she gets, the more money they get. She’s the perfect, “respectable”

It’s known among people who work in production that Scientologists have a handler on set/shoots. This just gives them access to Kidman. Moss was born into it, they will get money from her forever, regardless of the SP she is exposed to.

It’s really frustrating. I have had back problems on and off for most of my life, and every traditional doctor I have seen has given me pills. A little bit of physical therapy that helps with maintenance but not much for pain management or treating the cause. I have seen a handful of chiropractors, two of which for

Like the new Jungle Book, I believe.

That team for the biopic fell through— but it is still very much happening. It’s now moving forward with Bryan Singer director / Rami Malek as Mercury, coming awards season 2018.

Want to feel REALLY old?

I think it really suffered in having only 6 episodes, it wasn’t enough to do a larger story AND monsters of teh week. I think the new season of TEN episodes will be so much better!

Never heard of it, I will check it out! Thank you.


Seriously, how hard would it have been to drop some hints in there that would have been helpful for teens, their audience, if they’re going through some shit that could lead to suicide. It’s irresponsible but also lazy as fuck.

Every organization that you should consult for this agrees that you DON’T SHOW THE SUICIDE. I don’t give a shit what the creators think, they make entertainment, suicide shouldn’t be entertainment. They’re playing pretend with some very serious shit, and marketing it towards TEENAGERS. Showing a suicide playout makes