
I said “I have it on good authority” for a reason, jackass.

We put her on the pedestal just so we could knock her down.

I have it on good authority that she will fucking kill it, and our heads will explode as we scream “I CAN’T.” because we just can’t.

And I think there was a televised (not live) Music Man a while back. I guess it was long enough ago that they could do it again, but I still think it’s a point against for anyone over 30.

I think they’re just working down a list of the most performed/popular/well-known musicals since it’s hard to get ratings for these things.

Full disclosure I have met him a couple times through a friend and he came off as 100% genuine to me and I hate pretty much every “actor” I’ve met in LA.

I could be wrong, but I think it’s a well-known “secret” that he has been wearing a wig for decades, right? Def not just plugs.

It’s so good, get on that anyway you can.

Between this past season of Fargo, the continuously rewatchable Bored to Death, and Cheers being on Netflix, IDK why anyone would would watch Becker to get their Danson rocks off. I would let bae hit it and I have willfully avoided Becker my whole life.

I am so done with commenters shitting on allies and calling them creepy. Why should anyone try to support us if we are just going to accuse them of having ill-conceived motives.

I mean he doesn’t have the best track record, and it’s publicized.

During that speech he will attend to, in his words, “one piece of unfinished business.

The Smiths are not Scientologists. It’s weird that this comes up on every article about them. If you are Scientologist, you kinda have to tell everyone. That’s their whole thing. You don’t get to be a secret Scientologist.

JFC who are these people who are so fucking obsessed with her e-mail???? MOVE ON, CREEPERS. WE HAVE.

I think the takeaway from the piece is that we should all be wearing the same uniform so that no one is ever offended by shirts.

But look at all the clicks it got them!!

Your arm must be so fucking tired from carrying that torch for a decade and half.

Y’all are just butt prudes. More BTS butt deetz from celebs plz!

Her legs are monuments to perfection so why the hell would she cover them. It’s just flesh.

She has a ton of girlfriends and posts photos with them on instagram all the time. You were correct when you said you don't know much about her though.