
"she wants to distance herself from R Kelly as much as possible — which, fine, but too little too late. "

I find it ironic that people keep commenting about him being unoriginal, when as this point, the so called "plagiarism" is on purpose, and is a major element to the statement/art he is trying to make.

I am ready to wear it now.

Oh hell no. There is no way you will get me to watch the above video. I don't watch The Notebook for a realistic portrayal of ANYTHING. The whole point of watching the Notebook is to cry. It is the only purpose, it excels at accomplishing this task, and there is no reason to question it. What fucking asshole even

I was practically getting out my credit card when I read "Versailles onesie." Boy was a disappointed when I realized you meant a onesie for a baby, not ironically referring to a romper for an adult woman.


He is the best! Did you watch Freaks & Geeks? I am sure he's done other stuff, but that's his best.

I don't know if that's true, but she also dated Drake. WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT WE DON'T?!

Fuck yes! The season finale of Futurama was the best season finale of any show. It was perfection for all the real fans of the show. I watched every ep when it first aired, since the beginning. As a TV show loyalist (to all my shows, never been a fair weather fan to any show) it was an extremely satisfying final

I think my favorite part of "Slefi Loathing" are the pics where the celebs seems genuinely stoked about things that I would also be excited about. I don't follow any celebs on instagram because I couldn't handle all the press-promo-fake shit, but love the this feature on Jez. This week I loovvvve: Ryan Secrest in his

Why isn't there a direct link in this Jez article to the petition? Save me some clicking, yo.

Naw, it'll be Ride Along AGAIN, which coincidentally has a LOWER rotten tomatoes score (aggregate of critics reviews).

And that ring!

BURT IS THE BEST. I sat through the first 7 episodes just for Burt and then I realized I hate everything else about the show.

I think it's taking a while because Hollywood wants her to happen, but she doesn't seem to be Hollywood enough. She stays out of the tabloids, gives real weird interviews, and doesn't seem to want to play the game. It might happen, just not very quickly, and she will probably continue to do a lot of indie movies with

She is my absolute FAVORITE host! I was home sick for a week recently and I went on a McCarthy binge and watched both of her eps of SNL, The Heat (redbox!), Bridesmaids (I own it, duh), and even the unfortunate Identity Thief (it was on HBO, and I ran out of things to watch.) I'm such a sucker for physical comedy and

I am from Portland, and my sis lives in Seattle, and I fully endorse this message.

She continues to be the outsider, for sure. She really fucks everyone over at one point, just when she's about to fit in. You should keep watching!!

This is the only good counterpoint that has been presented to me. touche!