
In two months you will be all about capes. Just you wait and see!

I'm sorry but that is effing gorgeous and I would wear that all over the grocery store.

I am a Girls-hate-watcher, and it absolutely drives me crazy that people cannot separate the two. How is the concept of a fictional character completely lost on so many people? Also, the concept of irony.

Is "hands is many pies" an actual colloquialism? Or did you make it up? It makes no sense and I love it! Pie!

If only we had a time machine.

WHY CAN'T I BE THAT CAT. #smolderhotter

No, it was never ever supposed to be more than one season. It's a mini-series, basically. It's very common outside of the US. As usual, we are greedy, demanding, and do everything in excess.


It was only ever supposed to be one season! Those wacky Brits and their mini-series.

It's a complete mini-series. It was never intended to be renewed!


I bet $1M that he releases a rap album next year.

I bet $1M that he releases a rap album next year.

Really? REALLY?!

So we are all getting that red swimsuit this year, right? Should we coordinate and not all wear it to the same pool party? Or will it be our thing that we are all matching?

Personally, the only things that's worked for me is a very uncommon rx called Mirtazapine. It takes 1-2 weeks to work, and if it doesn't work after 4, you should try something else. This is really unique to Mirtazapine. It makes you crave salt though. Super weird side effect, and takes a while to curb (with will

She rocks the shit out of that look always.

Yes! Perfect description of why I decided to grow my hair out. I used to have j law's cut, and from that year of my life I have maybe 2 pictures where I actually like my hair. But goddamnit I really like my hair in those 2 pictures.

Has anyone posted that he has been acting out in hopes of getting arrested to gain street cred so that he can finally switch over to rap? I have heard a couple of instudio performances on hip hop stations where he raps (he isnt any worst at it than he is pop music) but he obviously can't just switch over if he wants