
Would it be better if he didn't say anything at all though? Most male directors/writers aren't saying anything about this topic. If nobody ever talked about it, things would be much worse. So yeah, he is on a pedestal by default, because he one of only a few men talking about it, there's just nobody else for him to

omg wat. I can't even begin to process this or what it could be.

Why can't it be Cuddle, Kill, Marry? I just can't decide between Max & Chris. Max would make me laugh everyday, and I imagine he makes great breakfast. And Chris is just so handsome, and his best friend is Zachary Quinto, so can you imagine the dinner parties?? I just cant. Not today. Not ever.

Is Chris Pine Jewish? That changes everything.

Maybe they just actually feel guilty... HOW DARE THEY HAVE NORMAL HUMAN EMOTIONS.

If you had clicked on the link about the girl who was penalized for the "curvature of the breast" rule, you would see that there was no side boob. It was just a normal sweetheart neckline that was very likely worn by many other girls at the same prom who had smaller breasts.

I JUST WANT TO RUN MY FINGERS THROUGH IT AS I LOOK INTO THOSE EYES. (Accidental caps lock but I am going to stand by it...)

I am 28 and it if not just my favorite thing in the world is part of who I am. I wouldn't even say it is my favorite show, it's beyond that. It's on like 2-3 times a day in syndication in some markets so I imagine they get new fans every day.

I can tell you that "AJ's aunt" did not FEEL anything. She is dead. So that solves that mystery.

Why does Jez keep hate-posting Lena's tweets/daily movements? She is so boring and we hate her, right? Maybe if we ignore her, she will go away. Same with the rest of the GIRLS cast.

Troll food: she was on TV for 12 straight years on 3 different shows, and a handful of movies.

I mean this whole fake-relationship with a fake-celebrity just so he can get fodder for his next fake-mental breakdown is just too far for me. If he wanted to release an album about how effed up the industry was, and the awful tabloid culture in America, I would have been all about it, and I think we we would have

If you don't wan to go to a specialty store, go to Nordstrom! They generally have great fittings and customer service and a fairly good selection of bras. Plus, once you know your size and fav brands, you can shop online and return at the store.

Something like that. The flat area between her eyes coming from her brows is much narrower.

Aaron Carter is actually the lead singer of the indie band SALEM.

If you had the time or interest, I would suggest watching 1 and 5 to get you in the mood. The jump between 1 and 5 is a pretty smooth transition.

I just don't like because I read somewhere that repeated pursuing married/attached men is a sign of a psychopath. Oh and she's a terrible actress.

oh my god yes. YES!!!!!!! so stoked.

Yes! Seriously. I record both shows and the Mad Men eps are just sitting on my DVR 2-3 at a time while I watch GoT almost immediately There isn't one badass lady on MM, and a very heavy handful of heroines on GoT. I have to force myself to sit through another hour of asshole men treating gorgeous smart women like

I was born in Tortola so I just say "the Caribbean." :(