
Seriously? Again with this bullshit?

Heads up, don't click any of the pending images...

Not everyone lives in a place where the weather permits less than daily showers.

I like you. Let's hack into the Webster's (the gold-standard American dictionary) database and insert a U into every single word. Evuery singule wourd. Ahhhhhh that's much better, isn't it?

Wrong. Body odour(learn to spell) isn't just created by media campaigns. I sweat a LOT and it stinks. Bathing doesn't need to mean dousing yourself in soaps and perfumes. I wash with water to get rid of sweat and dirt, ever since I ditched all the body washes and moved to my daily regime I smell tons better and feel a

I'm not american and I shower daily. I feel disgusting if I don't, it's got nothing to do with consumerism

I love everything about your response, I really do, but I'm going to stick with my daily shower.

I would guess that the portion about it being bad for your immune system is BS. Most bodywashes people will use aren't anti-bacterial and you can't run the water hot enough to actually kill any bacteria on your body.

Shower away


I was trying to hold onto any tiny thread of hope. When I visit cold places, I still shower every day. You can't wash your mattress (except calling in a pro steam cleaning service), & I don't want to rub body grime into any bed I sleep in (mine or hotel). I don't get not bathing, either. It's such a relief to get the

Well, that's me told.

I think there IS logic in the same way that if you, say, use hydrogen peroxide on a cut, you disinfect both any harmful and good, beneficial bacteria.

I don't feel sufficiently awake enough to face the day at work unless I shower, and then after spending all day in this grimy city I don't feel right unless I take a shower and wash away the day's stress before jumping into a nice clean bed. I mention grime but I'm not really all that OCD. I just really like

Everyone's skin is different. I'm an every-other-dayer, but there's nothing wrong with showering every day if you're prone to oiliness or sweatiness. Not everyone is made the same way, babe.

He's talking out his nasty, dirty, shit covered ass. The Japanese shower at least as much as Americans maybe more.

The compelling reason is I feel gross if I don't shower every day.

Fer real. Some people upthread are bragging about only showering twice a week. Nasty!

Lots of people upthread saying they only shower every other or third day. There are some nasty ass people here.

I agree there is no compelling reason to shower daily. I get that it dries your skin. I cannot fathom how it can harm your immune system unless you are showering in antibacterial soap or doing something very crazy. There is just no logic there.

To everyone out there: shower as much as you goddamn see fit, no one has to live in your skin except you and those scarab beetles from those Mummy movies