I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder
Are you paying any attention to the actual plot at all?? Yes they are bad detectives — they’re fall guys, just like in that huge exposition conversation Ani and CF had??? You know???
Well, um. Hmm.
I just wish Vaughn’s opening “Discourse on Basement Daddy” would have gone another 6 minutes. It was like watching Bob Saget hump the chocolate fountain at Golden Corral. Actually, it was worse than that.
It’s rock salt.
Yeah, well we don’t always get what we want, do we? Like I’d like not to know about a Bristol Palin.
How is babby formed?
“I do not want any lectures”
Wow. It’s almost like abstinence-only education doesn’t actually work. Who knew?
I think the cat handles it remarkably well. My cat still gets freaked out when I sneeze and we have lived together for 10 years.
Wow, Natasha Vargas-Cooper called this “lady” (I hate the word lady) a “bitch” on Twitter. She meant it as a “term of affection,” but ugh. I mean... ugh. Why do I read Jezebel.
DBT was such a game changer for me. i really, really wish it was more widely available.
I saw a psychoanalyst for 3.5 years with no real goals besides keeping my constantly suicidal ass alive. Helped a lot actually. I think for people with personality disorders it may help as much as meds.
My therapists and I have talked about goals, but timelines were never discussed in the beginning, ever. It’s impossible to just be like “Oh, okay, you have PTSD, that takes about 4-6 weeks go get through so be cured by then!”
It’s not that talk therapy can’t be helpful—having a safe place to vent and try to come up with more constructive ways to live your life with a compassionate but not involved person can truly be lifesaving. But this guy? He just decided it was because she won’t “dress pretty” and is clearly fine with her spinning her…
Therapy is so goddamn hard that if she wanted to dress in her most comfortable and most comforting clothes each week to get through it, that would be normal. Is this guy really unaware that people wear different clothes on different occasions, for different reasons?
I’m sorry talk therapy hasn’t helped you. It has absolutely made an enormous and positive impact on my life.
As a 5’ woman, let me play you a sad song on the world’s smallest violin.. which is the only one I can play, because I have tiny hands.