Yeah but then again you think everything is dumb and problematic.
Yeah but then again you think everything is dumb and problematic.
Is Gawker trying to drive Allison Williams to the brink of insanity? Why are we getting such a deluge of negative articles any time she opens her mouth. Is Denton that worried about her boyfriend's awful website taking away views? I get that it's a stupid scene, on a stupid show. But do we really need like 4…
You're really going to compare Bill Cosby a limp lion? Considering all the support he's receiving from Hollywood and otherwise it's really not that easy of a target. But brava to Fey because she's one of the few people who have been doing it for years.
Such a hot take that your keyboard melted
Dornan only looks good with the facial hair.
Ha, because locking up people for an attraction beyond their control in the way to go AMIRITE??
Yeah but it doesn't mean smaller issues should get no attention. Obviously there needs to be resources put toward solving serious and dangerous issues, and they should be top priority, but so often people act as if they are the ONLY priority.
You do feminism the way you want. There is no club to join with rules and there is no oppression Olympics where anyone is going to get the gold.
Because that's exactly the same kind of argument A LOT of people (men mostly but also women) pull when you mention you're a feminist and that you point out that catcalling, gender gap in wages, etc. are sexist. Their response is always something along the lines of "oh but women in Afghanistan have it way worse than…
I know, right? Oppression Olympics only works out in favor of the oppressors. "Sure, we'll deal with that whole rape thing when there are no women being stoned in other countries, ok?"
Yes. "Other people have it worse!" Well, okay then guys, pack it up! Let's stop fighting for paid parental leave and reproductive rights and subsidized preschool, since Other People Have It Worse In Other Countries and their Worse lives are the benchmark we should all live by.
I don't think it's never helpful, but most of the time it's used to dismiss something just because it's not the worst thing ever.
"My employer asked about my fertility plans"
- "Well, at least you're not a victim of FGM"
Because that's a total dead end of a thought process. "You can't care about A because B is worse and is also happening." There's always something worse. You can't care about B because C exists. Only spoiled people will worry about C because people with D have real problems. Of course D is small potatoes compared to E.
I don't think people object to the idea that some things are more important than others; the objection is to the idea that because there are more important things than X, X is inherently irrelevant. Like if I said that I had a bad day at work, and someone said that it didn't matter because people are starving. I…
Because it's a derailing and silencing tactic. By telling a woman who is discussing oppression in the "first world" that her problems aren't as serious as those of a woman oppressed in Saudi Arabia, for example, you're telling her to shut up about that because she doesn't have it as bad or it could be worse.
I never understand the "other people have it way worse" argument when it comes to feminism, racism, etc.
I'm always like: Great! If ours is not such a big problem then there's no reason we shouldn't be able to address it in tandem with the other "bigger" problems. Now let's get to work!
And like all babies, she is so annoyyyyyinnnnggggg
"One dubious courtier mocked her outright, saying that the Queen's pregnancy would 'end in wind rather than anything else."
As someone in mental health I do sort of feel for the ultrasound tech. While normally an argumentative patient does not warrant that person being committed, we don't know the details of how Ruby acted. That said, these "phantom" pregnancies occur and dealing with them is akin to dealing with other conditions such as…