Evan Waters

This article makes it seem a bit more complex than that:

Yeah for some reason the last couple of console generations have really neglected the "fly around in a starfighter and shoot lasers and stuff" genre. I do not understand it at all. (There are vertical and horizontal shmups still, but those increasingly fall into the Bullet Hell category and I am not any good at that.)

The D&D 4e game is back in effect! Finally had another session tonight, and we're all on Discord now and voice chatting away, which speeds things up a lot. The crew went to a cemetery and fucked up some undead, and talked their way past some Xivorts who camped out on the top floor of the mausoleum. I forgot a few

I'm not entirely discrediting Samantha Bee as a person, here, I just think that on the issue she maybe deserves a bit of a "this thing you're doing is bad." We can't just separate the world into Good Guys and Bad Guys and not question any of the people on our "side".

Is it really trivia, though? I would suggest that an issue here is how much of a sacrifice she's actually willing to make. If we want true equality, then maybe the very well off will have to, for a time, send their kids to less-good schools, so that the kids trapped in terrible school districts can go to better

Assumption not in evidence- are there not far-left women?

In that regards I'd call the Wii's implementation mixed. It worked well for some games but a lot of developers just said "Okay, add a part where you shake the remote a bunch" and didn't really look into what the hardware did well. (Granted this may also have been a question of documentation.) There are plenty of games

See, what I like about Nintendo is that the game consoles they make are clearly primarily game consoles, and not all-in-one home entertainment machines. They focus on a thing and do it well.

Thing is, of those "failures", the only ones they lost money on were the 3DS and the Wii U- arguably do to getting overly cocky with the success of the Wii, overproducing, I'm not entirely sure. The limited runs of the Switch are arguably a response to that, they're back to playing conservatively.

Yeah, Japan is the big issue for Metroid- it never sold too well there. Other M was in many ways an attempt to make a Metroid for the Japanese market, with more of a story loaded with familiar cultural tropes (the whole "senpai" thing really) and action over nonlinear exploration, etc. But the backlash to that has

Uh, I often do?

What's the real difference, though? Was color film an improvement over black and white, or just an innovation? And if it was an improvement, why not 3-D?

Yes because Sega going software-only was such a good move.

It looks like they're taking a more conservative strategy with the Switch too. They made a limited first run which sold out quickly, so it seems like they're trying not to overproduce and end up spending lots on unsold stock.

Man, gamers are like the most conservative media enthusiasts ever. The idea that innovation and experimentation are not valuable to the development of a medium is fucking insane.

This is like arguing that film studios should focus on having the best CGI.

Someone needs to innovate. And really, one could argue that this was out of necessity- once Sony entered the console market Nintendo was always going to be behind because Sony had an advantage they didn't. They fucked up not making the N64 a disc-based system, but even if they did just make the same basic kind of

I'm not sure I can buy into the idea that anyone who criticizes Trump is then themselves beyond criticism. And there's a real problem on the left, that "left" now basically means "let's have some basic human rights"- which itself is fine- and not "capitalism is fatally flawed and the entire system needs to be

Man I saw that Metroid Prime image and I was prepared to come in and bust some heads, but okay it's a counterexample of sorts.

It's mostly leftists I hear bringing this up, and I haven't heard any real counters to it.