Evan Waters

I assume one consequence of all this is he's on the hook for the legal fees.

And Harron was absolutely right in sticking by her. Mol is just perfectly cast.

It's quite possible, but I think ultimately Emma Thomas was right that you needed something to work with at an early stage. Like the article says he may end up doing it eventually, and it certainly can be done, but the producer's job is to think about the logistics of everything.

At this rate of turnaround he's gotta find someone good eventually!

You may still have an opportunity! It's still in theaters where I am. Hence, doing better than Scaramucci.

His term is officially shorter than the theatrical run of Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. I checked.

I'm surprised the guy's survived this long. I mean, LOOK at him. Even if they don't know about his machinations they should have figured at some point to stab him just to be on the safe side.

He and Strunk wrote The Elements of Style, a short little go-to on proper word usage.

Saw Dunkirk on Monday. An excellent film, sharp, focused, and conveys a sense of "let's never have to do this ever again."

It's basically a compilation, but it's a solid one.

The Lego Movie, The Lego Batman Movie, The Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie

It's a British actor thing. You take the parts you're offered, you do what you can with them, you move on to the next.

Going on to say, "What is he, like a frickin' idiot or somethin'? What a mook!"

Goodbye, Earl Grey?

It's a trick. Get an axe.

It helps us survive. It is not sufficient, but it is necessary.

Oh, make no mistake- the GOP are by and large quite in favor of repealing laws that protect the sick and the poor. It's just that their attempt to do so in this instance was so wildly unpopular that they couldn't stay on target.

After much improving and scrawling of maps and cobbling together encounters, my D&D 4e group has made its way to the catacombs under Belgras, where they're hunting down a cult of Orcus! First they fought a group of undead at the Library of Ioun, then the party's psionic Dragonborn healer promised to buy booze for some

Hey look, there's the eggplant emoji but they went out of their way to make it look less like a penis.

I object to the inclusion of a Black Eyed Peas album on this list. Not because they're good but because one of their members is a woman. Sure, it's either 3/4 or 4/5 male depending on how many people they have, but still, this one is not ENTIRELY my gender's fault. Just mostly.