Evan Waters

I dunno- like, sure, there's a certain "justice must be done" impetus but Al Qaeda was already in decline and ISIS was just around the corner. Meet the new boss, same as the old, because the problems that created all this still haven't been addressed.

It's a long time favorite of mine. Meyer's direction is really crisp, the cast is amazing, and Frisco never looked better.

Glad to see he was as delighted doing it as we were to see it.

But can it bloom on the battlefield?

Marion Cotillard in Sexy French Depression

Good to see George Hamilton still getting work.

The rapport between him and McDowell is superb. They really are like old friends.

This seems longer than usual, because- yeah the man has done so much cool stuff.

Whoever applied for that screwed up. It's "The pee tape is real".

I'd say the director here was more liable (not speaking to how liable Landis was) because a train coming through was a directly foreseeable consequence of shooting on train tracks without permission, whereas the helicopter crash wasn't as likely to happen. I think in the Landis case it was hard to say precisely what

I think the PPV made a big mistake in having Cass just squash Enzo, who really had a lot of the crowd behind him. Having Enzo lose is all well and good, but not letting him get any offense is dumb. It takes away some of his heat, and I dare say Cass would still have the heel heat if he had simply won decisively.

Odd that you keep saying it's just women. Men are being assholes about this too.

The moral onus is on the strangers on the Internet. Do unto others, etc.

Yeah this was a huge pain back then. Batman villains were unavailable because of The Batman, there were issues with the Teen Titans and associated characters, they really hamstrung themselves.

This sort of thing rarely turns out well, I'm very grateful that it did this time.

The problem was those damn brain jars. Airline insisted they counted as extra carry-on luggage.

I really wish we could have gotten another season with Bill. It does not feel like we spent enough time getting to know her or establish her rapport with the Doctor.

First off that's a bad analogy because vanilla does not mean "no flavor", it's a distinct flavor and is as good ice cream as anything else. It's used as a synonym for "plain" but only in the sense that it's white (ish).

I think Tammie won it.

They also set it up way early, I heard Sam's plot, I knew it was 1985, I wasn't sure exactly how this would pay off.