Evan Waters

A damn good filmmaker. Sad to see him go.

OTOH JBL should have been fired several weeks ago.

Daisy going nuts with her powers was awesome. Kinda getting Saints Row IV vibes from the whole thing.

If it's official, there's no way it'll be half as interesting as it could be. Of course if it were unofficial they'd have no access or permission to use any trademarks or IP so the project would be dead in the water, so you see the problem.

Go ahead!

I'd forgotten just how amazing Melissa Fumero can be with her facial expressions. The scene where Holt acknowledges he's been mentoring her was peak adorable.

Apparently, that's something Nintendo actually did? Like they first tested out some of the mechanics they were going to use in BotW with a 2-D top down Zelda game to see if it still worked. (Presumably the climbing wasn't involved but stuff like fire burning wood, weapon degradation, cooking and crafting and so on.)

Seriously, I get that you get more attention doing the homages to characters they know, but if you're going to put the dev time in, and you have to draw new assets anyway, just make a new game.

And THIS is how I find out. Great way to communicate with your readers AVC.

I really liked that the first song in the laser show clearly was inspired by the first song of The Wall.

Honestly I think if you wanted to do some weird reinvention your best bet would be to dig into the old Welsh stories that inspired the thing (to the extent that we know them), before the Norman influence came and added knights and chivalry and such to the mix. The Welsh "knights" were a bit more like mythic heroes

Sherlock Holmes was quite good.

He'll have to get used to delivering commercials for though.

One example of it working does not mean it is always a good idea to draw this shit out for over a year.

I think it's also a question of giving characters jobs which don't require them to be anywhere at any specific time.

Sometimes you just wonder why the cameraman ever bothered hitting "Rec".

From this day forward everyone who talks to Alex Jones should insist that he never had kids, that those are clearly actors, that he's probably a crisis actor himself, etc.

It's already dragged on too long. Something like this would be best suited for a single, short arc.

That doesn't mean every story is fit to be a years-long odyssey, though. Some things are best done in a hurry.

He's still President and Chief Creative Officer per Wikipedia.