Evan Waters

That he sees this as a greater threat than, say, trans students being forcibly outed and targeted for harassment by "controversial" speakers, says something about his priorities. He doesn't have to worry about this so obviously all those SJWs are overreacting.

Yeah and Moore I think later said that he was better off not using the Charlton characters and being able to do his own thing.

Thing is this seems to conflict with the "moderate" stance he's taking elsewhere. If America is indeed corrupted to the core with fascism maybe the solution is not to be peaceful and accommodating and letting the guy with the frog pin go unpunched.

That's only a problem if you believe the extreme left's policy views are bad, as opposed to "catching up to things many other countries have successfully implemented".

Remember when that story was done in a few issues at most?

I dunno, the right's been enjoying a hell of a lot of success while doing nothing about its extreme elements.

The thing is they've tried to "get back to" the fun classic DCU many times and it never sticks. Geoff Johns is at the helm and he tends to write stories where superheroing is a thankless job and lots of civilians tend to die in the crossfire and arms get ripped out with alarming regularity- much like Dan Didio he

This is what stands out to me, more than any kind of moral and ethical objections- Watchmen is just its own thing, y'know? It's very self contained, we're shown the society and the problems that having caped vigilantes and a godlike super-being have inflicted on it, and we meet all the major players, and they have

It didn't help Spencer's case that he came out against Richard Spencer being punched and wrote an issue introducing a group of villains who are overly aggressive SJWs.

Saints Row 2 is probably the best candidate for some kind of Ultra-HD or whatever remake in the coming generations- both 3 and 4 have solid PC ports and 4 is even playable on XBox One, so this is the one that could really use a spit and polish. (And even on consoles the engine is a bit… janky at times. You can tell

Always side with labor over management.

One difference, I'd argue, is that back when folks like Kirby and Simon were writing, a story like this might last a few issues, tops. It'd be a discreet arc and you could tell that within the year it would be resolved.

It is somehow entirely appropriate and not contrived that he would insist on saying the full phrase at full volume.

What amazes me is how they were able to put it all together in just a couple of years while THQ was going under and they got sold to Deep Silver. That is not a good environment in which to put together a major console release and yet, it works.

That seems odd to me since 4 is the one where you spend 75% of the time flying around the map and throwing ice blasts at aliens.

Yeah it basically means that when Steve does eventually come around to team good the reaction will be "Finally!" more than anything else.

Has Superman ever been made into a Nazi, though? I mean it's possible but that extra edge is the thing.

That's a useful response.

Be warned that the PC version is not a very good port. But there's an excellent mod out there called "Gentlemen of the Row" which lets you break the game in all sorts of fun ways.

D&D campaign still postponed due to work schedules and people being flaky. Ugh.