Evan Waters

The best part is that this is clearly based on the Kuerig machines (which have their own problems what with all the wasteful disposable packaging), but with DRM and costing 4 times as much.

So would you say they are seeking to make amends?

Really, I heard that was more a high-level problem. Here the PCs hit back pretty hard, most of the monsters went down in three or so rounds. The Hulking Zombie was an exception but even then I was surprised at how this turned into a badass melee.

I'd say the dough is sort of middle-ish with a hefty, more solid proportion of cheese, sauce, and toppings on top- more like a pie than a soup. Basically a literal idea of the phrase "pizza pie."

Some of this prose reads like the cover letter on a job application. "In treating Mother Theresa I demonstrated selflessness and altruism. I have had much experience with being good to people and not hooking them on sleeping pills."

I love that Tina apparently wore glasses since birth.

Also after S1 Cordelia gets developed some more- she's still kinda "bitchy" but we understand her desire not to get involved with all the potentially fatal stuff going on.

Back in February I went to a Drafthouse screening of Clueless (mainly to avoid the President on TV), and of course it was mostly women in the audience. When the Beauty and the Beast trailer started I could feel a collective gasp. And that was when I knew this would make a fortune.

Saw Kong: Skull Island on Sunday. A very good ape movie! There's a nice balance between tension and humor, and some actual suspense- some characters obviously aren't gonna survive but others I was not sure about. Very nice visuals too, and speaking of which, Brie Larson in a 70s hairdo with sort of an Ellen Ripley

Sunken Ghost Ship didn't strike me as THAT difficult- even in the screenshot, that section is fairly flat and you just have to dodge the Boos who specifically sweep towards you. It's scary but it's not the hardest part of that section of the game. Plus I like the clever way it ends, the big drop to the bottom followed


That one stretch of DKC is particularly frustrating- between save points you have that AND Stop and Go station which is another level that isn't very forgiving of mistakes. I get stuck there a lot.

What precisely is "foaming" about this piece, though? Why must any criticism of sexism in media be dismissed as hysterical overreaction?

A. Arguably, but not really a fatal flaw.

Like I can imagine setting aside a couple of hours but the weird dinner date aspect of it is bizarre. Is this what famous people do? Is this how publicity works? Did Gomez's most recent record contract specify she'd have to spend at least X hours making cheesy potatoes?

Eh, I only got a half-pang at best bro

It's not just about whether or not the individual person feels violated. It's that some feature writers can't write about or interview female celebrities without turning into weird creeps. It's hard for women as a whole to be taken seriously in such an environment.

Well, funny is subjective. You don't find it funny. Many other people did.

Yes, really good is several films that aren't really relevant to this one.

Because it's a really good, well put together film that manages to poke fun at a subculture without being mean.