Evan Waters

From what I've heard BotW was developed as a Wii U title for a while, and the Sheikah Slate was going to be the gamepad- i.e. you look at it to fumble with the maps and items and so on (like the HD Zelda remakes on the console). Sadly that bit got dropped when they made it a Switch title, but I guess in terms of sheer

Oh, okay, gotcha.

Honestly I'd talk with the DM about just how much you want to deal with the racism issue. If you're not enjoying being at that much of a disadvantage, you shouldn't be punished for picking the wrong thing.

So yeah I went and got Breath of the Wild. That's gonna take up some time I imagine. So far it's pretty damn good- there really is a nice sense of discovery. (One thing I've noticed is, the autosaves are generous as hell and I rarely straight-out die so you're not punished for going the wrong way as aggressively as

Okay so I'm not playing it wrong, is the main thing. Good.

It really surprised me how generous they made climbing. In just about any first person RPG-type game there seems to be a certain standard for how steep a slope is before you start sliding down it automatically (I guess something like 45 degrees?), and I was surprised just how steep it had to get in BotW before I even

Really the Renaissance period hit its peak with The Lion King (at least in terms of making All The Money Ever), and anything after was going to seem less impressive.

I've just started this and I've been trying to avoid spoilers because it seems like the thrill of discovery is so much of what's interesting here.

Wasn't a major problem there that the studio also took legal action against Clayton Moore doing appearances as The Lone Ranger, hence causing all sorts of bad publicity since he was old and needed money?

It's worth pointing out that the median income for Trump voters was higher than that for Clinton voters, so the narrative that this was a working class uprising or whatever is wrong. There are definitely sections of the working and lower classes that vote Republican but a bigger part of Trump's victory was people who

And yet PBS/BBC/CBC etc. have never just been organs for whatever administration is in power. The BBC met with a lot of heat even from the Tony Blair and Gordon Brown regimes, to say nothing of David Cameron and Theresa May. They've pissed off the powerful on both sides. Arguably that says something about them, no?

The need is for one channel that is not beholden to the bottom line. That can have news that doesn't chase the most sensationalistic story of the hour. That can fund programming of cultural interest that won't necessarily score with the 18-49 demo. That can show kids' programming that isn't an adjunct to selling junk

Having a phone in every room in your house. And in designer colors (to suit your demanding tastes.)

Also one of my favorite riffs:

So the premise of this film is that everyone is just nutty as all get out.

"Oh, it's colder than penguin poop
It's colder than a polar bear's butt
The dogs are sticking to the fire hydrants"

Dammit, I was losing speed because I'm also trying to buff the floor!

Sorry, back in Da Nang there for a second.

"If she messes it up this time, she's gone!" had me cackling.

Reviews for the Jungle Book were pretty good IIRC (forget if this site in particular gave it a good grade and I'm too lazy to try and battle their search system.) But that, and even Maleficent, seemed to put more of a spin on things than this.