
Now, we sit and wait for the eventual, real tattoo pictures from people to arrive.

cowabunga dude! Let's get some pizza, I'll be on my skateboard.

So we go from Statham being in Transformers, to LeBouf getting beaten on like a Statham character. What a crazy Newswire day.

If they can bring in Ice Cube and make it a Ghosts of Mars reunion, then I'll be content.

I literally don't feel as if I could ever have any valuable commentary on this. I'm (exempting this statement) speechless.


Statham with a Shia wig, bare-knuckle fighting robots stories taller than him. I'll buy it.

"YES. Somebody, get this man a job…RIGHT NOW!" - Hollywood Production Fatcats

Makes sense for the Lil' Wayne album. That thing's smell still taints the air to this day.

No, but thank you for introducing that to me. Pretty good stuff!

Yeah, I only came here for the Dawes comments.

He's like the Gordie Howe of gimmicks!

I was kinda going for a very subtle Rolling Stones firstie on this one. As in Stone Rose=Rolling Stones=band that came before Rolling Stones. Yeah, in hindsight, it was pretty shittly executed. But yes, a Stone Rose is too airily played to gather moss.


And its only a matter of time before someone mentions a word similar to "bancersplaids"

And the Stone Roses keep on Rolling.

I'm just anticipating his glorious post-arrest release where he returns to prominence. Just ask Lil' Wayne, it completely works.

I had something for this, I really did…

It's so surreal to be commenting on an article that's this old. I feel like I'm talking to the past somehow.