Love the code of ethics these idiots have.
Love the code of ethics these idiots have.
You tell us! So far under Cadet Bone Spurs’ watchful eye, the DPRK has tested 1) fusion weapons and 2) ICBMs that can reach anywhere on Earth, all while Trump was beating the war drums and rattling his tiny saber. Then, instead of engaging in meaningful negotiations, he jets off to Singapore where he gives away…
No experience whatsoever, completely full of himself, treats women horribly — just get him to say something racist and he has 2020 locked down.
Obama was a wartime president (because none of our wars seem to end now), but he did not start any wars.
What I found to be the most loathsome is he most definitely did not press Kim on his human rights abuses and even praised him. This motherfucker then had the GALL to stand there and say it was because of Otto Warmbier that all of them were even there. Wait, the same guy that tortured a US citizen into a coma and then…
Nothing happened. They signed a symbolic piece of paper on which the US got effectively nothing and a murderous dictator became a legitimate world leader.
Let’s shit on our Canadian and European allies and instead advocate for partnerships with Russia and North Korea. Holy hell, you guys.
This statement shows how fucking stupid you, Trump and his collection of brain dead Fox viewers are. If you knew one fucking thing about business you’d know this but no you seem to be content to take advice from a failed businessman who won’t reveal his source of income. Honestly just admit you’re a fucking dumbass…
He’s such an embarrassment. Arms folded, smirk on his face, looking like an 8 year old being scolded by grown ups. That picture is gold. Merkel& Trudeau owning our president on his own favorite platform.
(Editor’s note: Three minutes after Deadspin commenter “threve” posted this, he was arrested while waiting in line at the Starbucks drive-thru after ramming his F-150 into the car ahead of him for taking too long to order.)
Does the internet have a special gathering for people who like to trumpet “straw man” whenever possible? If so, you should make sure you don’t miss out.
“He viciously beat dozens of guys with his own hands (many of them other African Americans)! Why is nobody talking about black on black crime? SAD!”
You failed the survivors.
Get the fuck over yourself.
This is out of control. Trump seems himself as someone who can win black support through pardons. It isn’t the white savior narrative- more like blacks owe white people their thanks, always. Thanks for fame. Thanks for NFL contracts. Thanks for not being shot. Thanks for being pardoned by Trump. Remember black people,…
Encourage your coworker to drive directly into a bridge abutment at high speed.
YES, the lowest level of depression physically embodies itself. It can make you physically ill. Physically in pain. Physically unable to get out of bed and care for your loved ones, while you lie there and hate yourself for your inability to do it.
Congratulations- you have no idea what it’s like to be at the lowest levels of depression, but you’ve spouting off about it anyway.
People with children are not allowed to have crippling depression. Got it. Thanks for that. I’ll keep it in mind.
You didn’t attend her funeral? So as you say this was a women who you knew since you were toddlers. I assume that means you were pretty good friends. Instead of being there for those two children when they probably need people the most you got on your high horse and road away.